Help Seeds!!


Hi all i am new to this forum,

Firstly, I have bought 10 seeds Blueberry Cheese & 10 Normal Cheese Seeds.

Having watched some videos on youtube, i thought this is the correct way to do it.

1. thoroughly cleaned everything i was going to use. 2 glasses & filled with tapwater reading 6.2ph
3.Dropped seeds into glass they sank after 12 hours, got up this morning and the sides of the seed is starting to crack & the little white inital root has only broken the shell by 1/2 mm so i left until 6pm BST with little change.

4.Got air tight tub & got double layer toilet tissue dripped warm water around 20 degrees celsius. placed it on the bottom put the seeds spaced out equally & covered them in 20 degrees celcuis toilet tissue(wet/damp) sealed the container & put into the cupboard were the combi boiler is to keep dark & warm....

i think i have done it right but i just want someone elses views...

If i am right i intend to put the seeds in Moist Coco tomorrow under a 600w HPS About 1 metre away i dont have a CFL so just want to see other peoples views.

Many thanks.


Well-Known Member
You can put those babies into the coco right away...I would as soon as they've cracked...


Well-Known Member
Right on. You already got the tails, put lightly into the coco and off you go. Seedings will take almost any light. You could even start with the light a little higher to make sure but should be fine.
Sounds like you'll take good care of them.


Well-Known Member
You messed up when u used tissue instead of paper towels,Your roots will grip that tissue and wont let go which ends up with torn roots or planting with some tissue still on.
Me personally use the paper towel method with 100% success unless their was something wrong with the seed to begin with.


Well-Known Member
Paper towel holds a lot better toilet paper rips to easy and will become difficult to remove from seeds I know because I've tried


Thank you for all your comments, really appreciate the reassurance as it is my first grow just a little panicky. Ok if i put in coco now when should i expect them to get the 1st couple of leaves... Should i use canna A & B Straight away or just use plain water for 1st week? i also have a bottle of plant magic.... the guy said in the shop it is like giving the plant speed you spray it once a week in the dark. Any suggestions? thanks again PR


Well-Known Member
Don't feed her until she's grown a few real leaves/leafs..In fact I'd leave her be 'till then, so no plant magic just yet ;)


Thanks appreciate all this help, guy in the shop who sold me the stuff said "on the grow get the soil wet when using 10 litre pots so i have 5 pots on a 1metre x 1 metre tray he said get the coco nice & moist and then get 10 litres of water and simply poor it into the tray so the coco sucks the water up through the bottom this then forces the roots to find the water & the bottom he said do it every other day or when the tray is empty... He says he know what he is doing but reading on this some people say it can cause root rot and pythemia. Just wondering what other peoples thoughts are on this. thanks.


Well-Known Member
Water for a little, then start the nuts at like 1/4 strength then move up as you feel is best, get some mycorrhizae in there too. Sprays are whatever to me. Never found any that improve root zone feeding/good soil so I never risk chance of burn.

Trust your self, you have the right ideas, you just need to practice now.


Well-Known Member
Just keep it lightly moist so they don't dry out. There doesn't have to be water in the tray but a little runoff/extra. As it grows up you will want to let it dry more.