Help setting up grow.. (Crawlspace/attic)


Hello all fellow MJ Enthusiists. I am about to embark on my first ever "mission"with growing my favorite plant! I have a few preliminary questions I'd like to get out there!

First and foremost here is a picture of my proposed grow-space. (sorry about the light, or the lack there-of.. but that small lamp was al I had at the time)


I recently discovered I had that small attic/crawlspace in my room after moving a false wall from the closet... It's pretty cool. No light leaks, and its a slanted attic like roof. It's appx. 10x10 (give or take) and about 4ft high.

Honestly, i'm not tring to plant 30-40 plants here I just want enough to hold myself over for the semester at school! Haha....

I was aiming at like 4-6 plants, and was THINKING about using lowryders.

The reason for using lowryders/autoflowering is because I only have 3 months to get this done. 60-75 days total is ideal! Unless there is a regular (non-autoflowering) strain/seed that grows that quick with a decent yield/potency I am pretty much set on the autoflowering (i know, most likely a selling gimmick for inexperienced newbs like me).

If anyone can shed some light on a few good methods that would benefit me?



Active Member
There are a lot of strains out there that you can grow with quick finishing times. I have experience with lowryders and they are not very forgiving. I believe Cali Hash Plant finishes in about 60 days with two weeks of germ you are at 74 days. If done in hydro properly you could finish a little earlier. Also DJ Short Flo finishes very fast. I was thinking about a SOG with some in the near future. Just get on the seed websites, and take their finishing times and add about a week or two. I believe they call what they are doing marketing, but I just call it plain lying.


New Member
Hey man, nice area to grow, a good strain to grow that is quick and has a good bop to it is Master Kush from Nirvana, about 8-10 weeks from seed...Your area looks good may need a bit of a clean up but thats always expected...good luck


thank you! after much consideration i'm thinking about platning a few LowRyders... I don't wanna risk not being able to finish up the plant in time! I also have decided I want to try LST on these plants, to yield as much as possible. Anyone have any experience with this combination?

Also.. should I just build a growbox and put it in this crawlspace? or use a growtent? I dont wanna line the WHOLE wall and WHOLE cieling with panda and seal it all, i just want to grow 4-5 plants in one area, what would i need to do to prepare the site
your lights are gonna run 20/4 the whole grow with autos which is gonna cause more heat build up than if your were running reg non autos on 12/12. What made you tear down that wall? good find though.


Well-Known Member
i have an area very similar to yours. i put up drywall in the room and painted everything white, which wasnt as hard (or perfect) as it sounds. just enough to make me not feel like im in an attic...

you could get away with using a tent -- specially if you are renting. cause that you can pack and use again :)

heat was a big concern for me, and eventually prevented me from growing before you waste your time, make sure you can handle that :)


Well-Known Member
lol, yeah, killed 14 of my plants :(

but im all good -- starting up again :) morale took a hit, but im back!

and not in the attic...


Well-Known Member
There is a cheap way to beat the heat if you are willing to put a little work in. Construct a wooden frame using EWP boards from Lowes. They tend to be pretty cheap, are easy to work with/cut/screw and plenty strong enough to support the walls, lights, fans etc. Once you have a frame, you can build the walls and ceiling out of mylar lined insulated foam boards ($10 at Lowes for 4'X8'X3/4" sheet). Line the chamber floor with a shower curtain and tape the edges up a few inches so you can water freely. Use white duct tape to seal all the edges/corners. Grab a 20ft pack of zinc chain from walmart to hang lamps, fans CO2 etc ($6) You can use a razor (cut at an angle) to cut access doors in the foam panels so you can adjust lights, water etc. Just tape em shut with elec tape when your done watering.

To cool the chamber down you can install a bathroom exhaust fan ($13 at Lowes) into the chamber. Connect a 4" flexible vinyl hose ($5 for each 8' length) and run it to a closet ceiling nearby. Trace a line around the hose and cut the drywall out with a razor. Also cut a 4" hole in the upper area of the chamber wall to let the hottest air exhaust out. You can run the fan 24/7, use a thermostat or a timer.

CO2 would be helpful to deal with the heat. You can create CO2 very cheaply biologically. Find a 2+ gallon plastic kitty litter jug with big screw-on top. Fill it 80% full with tap water and let it stand for a few days (to evap chlorine). Then add a bunch of sugar and shake it up good. Add 1/2 packet of bakers yeast. Punch a small hole in the upper area of the jug and within 24 hours CO2 will start blowing out. Refill every few weeks when the bubble stop rising. You can install tubing and an aquarium airlock if you feel like getting fancy ($5).

Here's the tricky part. Even with a smallish light (100 total watts) temps will proably range between 95-100 when the lights are on. You could yield 2 ounces with 100 watts, but if you want to go bigger you might end up needing LED, which can get expensive depending on how you look at it.

Keep a sharp eye out for hermies, dont let them dry out/wilt and they'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
Find a 2+ gallon plastic kitty litter jug with big screw-on top. Fill it 80% full with tap water and let it stand for a few days (to evap chlorine). Then add a bunch of sugar and shake it up good. Add 1/2 packet of bakers yeast. Punch a small hole in the upper area of the jug and within 24 hours CO2 will start blowing out. Refill every few weeks when the bubble stop rising.
i read that in order to create enough C02 using the DIY method, you would have to have a pool-sized amount of water and pounds of yeast...

i know i tried, using a gallon container, and saw no benefit...


thanks for all the prompt and informative responses.

Here are my latest questions for my setup

- I will be planting 4 LowRyder plants (possibly 5), will a 400wat HPS be sufficent?
- Which exact brand/model CFLs should I get for the first 10 days of these baby's lives?

Now onto my grow room setup:

- I don';t want to utilize the WHOLE attic, for only 4 plants... do I still need to mylar the WHOLE thing? or can I just single off a certain area ?
- I cant drill into the house/wall at all for exhaust fan, so will opening the crawlspace door once in a while with fans running allow proper circulation?
- I am not TOO Worried about heat because the house is in the NorthEast (Up North) and the temperatures dip VERY low during oct/nov/dec. I kno it's going to be warm for the first 2-3 weeks of september , so i'll have to figure out a temp solution if the temps are indeed to hot

Ok , I think i have it all covered.. if anyone can answer these i'll be greatly appreciative


Well-Known Member
you can get a tent, or construct your own -- but definitely dont mylar the whole thing

i got the 10 dollar grow lights from walmart for my germ/veg cycles -- works like a charm.

just make sure air is moving inside with the plants -- and keep a temperature somewhere easy to check. i have the indoor outdoor deal (wireless) and it sits on my desk. so i can always see what the temp is, even with company over.


Which growtent would be my best bet? Which brand? I want to fit 4-5 plants in with one 400watt HPS.. would that work?

Also , when setting up a growtent do you need to buy exhaust fans, case fans, tubing, carbon filters, etc? what exactly is necessary?

scoregreen, where did you pick up that wirless thermometer? I need that!


walmart, 18 bucks (plus batteries).

and ive not looked into the grow tents, sorry :(

Hmm, alright.. can i just put them close to eachother under a light in a certain section of that attic/room ?! Or does it need to be closed in sealed.. even if the door to the room is sealed with mylar/light proof/etc.. Basically do they NEED to be enclosed in a tent/box if they are in that room?

I need some ideas because a growtent looks like it 'll be a little expensive for me, thanks.


Well-Known Member
i read that in order to create enough C02 using the DIY method, you would have to have a pool-sized amount of water and pounds of yeast...

i know i tried, using a gallon container, and saw no benefit...
The atmospheric level of CO2 is about 350 parts per million. During the winter when our homes are sealed up windows shut etc the C02 level rises just due to our breathing. 1000PPM or better can greatly benefit most plants in the right conditions. There is little doubt in my mind that a 2 gallon reservoir can create this level in a small to medium grow chamber.
I could find out for certain if I was willing to spend $175 on a CO2 level meter, but I'm not lol.


Well-Known Member
@420p I hope you didn't think I was suggesting you line the entire attic lol. I was suggesting you build a grow room about 2 feet wide X 4 feet deep X 4 feet high. Would be a lot cheaper than a tent but like I said would require some work. Since heat is an issue and you are using only 4 small plants, I would say 400 HPS is overkill.


Ohh I see. I just re-read your whole first post... I have a few follow up questions!

First of all, it sounds like a great idea.. and I'm really thinking about doing it.. It doesnt have to touch the attic walls at all, BUT you did bring up a big point, the heat.

The house is in northeast US so the temps are gonna dip Around oct-nov, I thought maybe I could air the room ut once in a while to lower temps.. I really was set on using the 400watt HPS because it's a LowRyder autoflowering strain. I'm going to be purchasing a pack of 10 seeds, and I really dont know how to go about planting them all to find the females. Should I put all 10 in peat moss then transplat to 2/3 gal pot? or should I start them all in 2 gallon pots? I have done a lot of research I just want to get the best possible combination for my setup as time as of the essence we need to get this rolling very soon! My brain is all over the place, ive been told to buy a growtent or a use a dresser/cabinent, but I really want to utilize this attic/crawlspace. Thanks for all the input!
Isnt sheetrock like 5.00 each at Lowes/Depot etc? 4 sheets of 4x8 will make walls and ceiling for a 4x8 room lol.. Thats only like 20.00.. Use 1 sheet each for the 2 long walls and 1/2 sheet for each of the shorter walls and 1 sheet for the roof.. Bam ! Instant Growroom, lol.. And if your topo lazy to make a door just put 2 hinges on one of the short walls to make one ( short 2ft ) side the entrance


Yes I could use Sheetrock, but I really like supra's idea he posted on the previous page. Can you link me to some of the supplies you mentioned? I can't find a bathroom exhaust fan on Loews website for 13.99? If you can't link me, can you please give me some specifics about these supplies, such as:

- Which type of exhaust fan (cfm, etc)
- What are mylar insulated boards called, can''t find them online either
- What type of wood is recommended
- Which type of lights would guarentee a good yield with an autoflowering strain,( Iwas thinkiig 400wat hps but if heat is really an issue...)

OK so the vinyl tube is going where exactly? I understand i am cutting the drywall in the attic to drain that tube into another room, prefably a closet? Am I right? If so, does that tube need to be connected to a fan? or what? I'm also a little lost about the 6" hole in the top of the chamber, am i just cutting a hole in the foam , and leaving it open? Or am I putting a fan in there with dryer vent, etc.. I really have no experience making a exhaust fan or carbon filter etc, if you tell me the supplies and give me a general direction as to what to do with them, I can definitly make it work.. I'm eager to start and will be posting a grow journal very soon