Help sick plants!!


Sick plants..old Water was ph 6.8 after nutes (miracle grow) an epsom salt.. Pro mix seeding and potting soil.. Started to get slight nute burn about week and a half ago. Flushed with 6.8 ph adjusted water, checked runoff and was way to low. Ph drop tester was to low to read.. Looked good for a day then worse, flushed again and got ph up to 6.3. Looked good for another day then back.. One box is worse light green curled leaves.. Other set is dark green with light new growth curling down..



New water source starting ph is 6.8 stream water.. After nutes using API ph up to get to 6.8.. Sodium hydroxide?? First and last pics are from the second box which looks better the the other set


Well-Known Member
6.0-6.5 is fine. Stop using that miracle grow crap and you won't have these issues. Get some FoxFarm.


You are using MG-- that causes issues in many strains more than others... Flush again-- and get some regular nutes...

I have seen many other people have good results with mg and I have used I in the past.. I am using diluted to less the a tsp per gallon.. I havnt used it at all in over a week and half of them still have curled light green growth.. I am waiting for the soil to dry out again before I flush again and test runoff.. I already did two back to bqck flushes before he soil dried out bc the runoff ph was so low..I am going to get maxibloom fert for flowering but need to wait a couple weeks to get it.. All of he bigger ones in the second box seem to be doing better then the smaller ones

redeye jedi88

Active Member
my ph run off is 5.6 and i have deficiency's and everyone seems to say you dont need to ph water with organics but you obviously do because i have deficiency's due to run off ph


Well-Known Member
my ph run off is 5.6 and i have deficiency's and everyone seems to say you dont need to ph water with organics but you obviously do because i have deficiency's due to run off ph
where do you keep getting this from mate? lol how can the water that comes out of the pots ass be causing your plants deficiancys?

redeye jedi88

Active Member
ive been reading up about it for hours, if the soil's ph is below a certain point then its not able to take up all the nutrients it needs causing deficiency's or lockout's


Well-Known Member
ive been reading up about it for hours, if the soil's ph is below a certain point then its not able to take up all the nutrients it needs causing deficiency's or lockout's
correct, but you don't determine this by what pours out of the pot after a water. a soil ph tester does this..


Well-Known Member
and to the original poster, your plants are MAJORLY overwatered, miracle grow is time released nutrients and adding different ferts along with them is asking for trouble.

also you're using water from a stream.


I have promix soil w/o any fertz in it.. It's accually a underground spring that many locals use as their drinking water because the tap water is pretty bad.. I was letting pots dry out between waterings until the problem started and did two flushes.. Now I'm waiting for them to dry out but am unsure if I should flush again and see if my runoff ph is still highly acidic or start back with light feeding

70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
blaze, you are in a pickle and need some patience (or more light). I think those plants are over watered and under fed. I think they need nutes but they need to dry out first. I hope you have enough light to get them going. do you have good drainage in those pots? Miracle grow seems to work ok for me if I don't use more than 1 tsp/gal in container plants. It seems to work good with hard tap water too. I would keep track of the ph too until you get a handle on it.


blaze, you are in a pickle and need some patience (or more light). I think those plants are over watered and under fed. I think they need nutes but they need to dry out first. I hope you have enough light to get them going. do you have good drainage in those pots? Miracle grow seems to work ok for me if I don't use more than 1 tsp/gal in container plants. It seems to work good with hard tap water too. I would keep track of the ph too until you get a handle on it.

Thank you that's what I thought. I know I def overwatered but felt they needed the second flush.. I will wait till they dry out and lightly feed.. Is 1/2 tsp miracle grow with 1/2 tsp epsom salt good to reintroduce the fertz?? And my waters starting ph is 6.8 so I am going to have to rise the ph.. Is API ph up good? Think it is sodium hydroxide it not stated on bottle. People say it is good and others say of to use it

70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
Thank you that's what I thought. I know I def overwatered but felt they needed the second flush.. I will wait till they dry out and lightly feed.. Is 1/2 tsp miracle grow with 1/2 tsp epsom salt good to reintroduce the fertz?? And my waters starting ph is 6.8 so I am going to have to rise the ph.. Is API ph up good? Think it is sodium hydroxide it not stated on bottle. People say it is good and others say of to use it
I think they could handle 1 tsp /gal easy enough, they need some nitrogen. Your water starts at 6.8 ph, how low does it go with the miracle grow? It might be close enough.



First 4 pics are the bigger plants in one box.. They are perking up a lot now. Leaves are a lot darker then they look in the pictures and very tips of leaves have a little burn so I think I should use plain water again when they dry out. The other pics are from the second box. Some appear to be coming back better then others.. Most are light green to yellow and are still curling down. They are dry/crispy but not burnt.. Seems like there is still a ph problem causing lockout or there's no nutes in the soil after the
flush.. So one set I think I should only water and the other ones seem to still have ph problems but have a couple more days before the soil is dry.. Is this correct??



So the bigger box is all better and in day 4 of flower.. All of the smaller ones are still looking bad.. Watered 3 of them yesterday with 1/4 strength nutes. The rest are still to wet, last water was the flush mentioned at the start of this thread. Thinking about tossing them and starting over? Any ideas how to save them? Run off was 6.5 and water was ph'ed to 6.8 so there doesn't seem to be a ph problem anymore. Possibly starving and just need to wait a couple days for them to perk back up?
STOP USING MIRACLE GROW. If you are serious about growing you need to cough up the money and buy some good quality nutrients and also use Cal-Mag. Reverse Osmosis water is also a must have. You may not like to hear this but you get what you pay for especially when it comes to nutrients.