Help, small hole


New Member

I keep two plants indoor and i never had such a problem before.
At first I though it was bugs, but i really did a big investigation and treatments and very new growth
keep having them too. I never seen this before as i said, and
I also can't find on internet the same kind of problem.

Anyway has seen this before?IMG_20140314_085453.jpgIMG_20140314_085439.jpg

Ph: 6.2, temp: 74 / low ppm... i keep it about 350-400 in veg, never showed deficiencies with this medium before (if this is a deficiency).

It looks like bug bites to me, but I really don't get it. I used Garlic spray, tomato leaves spray, I watched day and night with a 20X zoom...
Maybe a PH problem? I took measures of the leaks under the pots, it's 6.3... sounds good to me.



Well-Known Member
That's not bugs. Looks like you need some cal-mag.

I'd give them some complete form of npk that has micro nutes as well.


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure it's not that. I've had that and it looks way different.

I'd feed with a complete npk at like 6.3-6.5 and see what happens.


New Member
Pretty sure it's not that. I've had that and it looks way different.

I'd feed with a complete npk at like 6.3-6.5 and see what happens.
I gave 600 ppm of 3-2-4 botanicaire and 200 ppm of CAL-MAG.

Ill post pictures again soon. Today, new growths seem a bit better, but still rusty mini-holes.

What suck is the law in Canada allows me 2-3 plants, if they are fucked i have to start all over again ><


Well-Known Member
I gave 600 ppm of 3-2-4 botanicaire and 200 ppm of CAL-MAG.

Ill post pictures again soon. Today, new growths seem a bit better, but still rusty mini-holes.

What suck is the law in Canada allows me 2-3 plants, if they are fucked i have to start all over again ><
Well sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and start fresh. I've had a few plants that had it for just a lil bit but they shook it off in the end.

Can you get me some better pics? I'll try to help ya out if I can.


Active Member
Do you by chance have a fan blowing a leaf into that one? Ive seen leaf damage that was caused by a fan, and the damage looks very similar to these pics.