HELP! strange feminized plant issue. Can't find anything close to this anywhere


New Member
Hello everyone, I typically stay off of forums and find solutions to problems through others I know and research, or through my own experience. This is my first ever post online in any type of marijuana forum, so I'm sorry if this is too much to read. However, I have absolutely no clue as to what is going on with one of my plants.

I attached several photos. The first 4 photos are of my problem plant, and the last two are of a healthy plant of the same strain.

They are both sown from feminized LSD strain seeds from Barney's Farm, and were planted in the exact same growing medium at the exact same time. They have been growing for approximately 4-5 weeks. The 'normal' plant has grown 3x in size and isn't exhibiting any of the strange characteristics of my problem child plant. The plant in question has odd shaped leaves and is developing pods, growing shoots from unusual places, growing odd numbers of leaves (not always diploid), and is just plain weird.

If anyone has any ideas or knowledge as to what may be going on, could you please share any insight. I would greatly appreciate it.
that doesnt even look like MJ to me. i would consider it a bunk plant, it happens. does it smell like mj if you rub the stem? you might grow it out just for curiosity sake, but i highly doubt it will produce.
That's kind of what I'm thinking too. I've never seen anything like it lol. I am going to let it grow to see what happens, I'll either get nothing and see a strange anomaly or maybe I'll get lucky and it will yield a huge crop. I separated it from my other plants just in case it would pollinate them or something.
I thought it may be another plant that somehow got deposited in the bucket by nature at first but once it started growing, it began to leaf out like MJ, and then started growing really strange. I don't know lol. I don't think it's another plant though anymore, and I think it's just MJ that had some mutated DNA
rub the stem and smell it. even at this stage, mj has a distinct smell. you will know, report back.
It does smell faintly, however not as strong as the other plant. I just opened a pod and it looked like it was developing micro male cannabis stamen inside. I am just going to move it inside and let it grow out for a few more weeks and see what happens. Heck, i may just move one of the fems inside by it just for curiosity's sake and see what happens lol. It's only 1 female so if it gets pollinated, oh well. I'll have more seeds then and if not I'll kill it off if it looks to be something else in the end and just let my other female I moved inside finish out indoors.
yes, pretty sure it is not mj, but keep rubbing the stem above the first set of leaves and smell your fingers. because of how it looks, this will be the only way to know.