Help! Struggling in Flowering Stage

Here's the rundown: during the veg stage, I was taking my lady outside first thing in the morning and bringing her in at dark. First problem was that we had a shitty summer - we had zero sun in June and July, and I didn't have a light system. So she started flowering way early, but it's my first plant - so it's okay.

She's been flowering for almost a month now and in the last 10 days, she's been acting weird. Her bottom leaves turned brown and fell off. This trend has continued up the plant - leaves and drying out and loosing their color. Today, I came home and found tiny brown spots on some of the leaves about mid-way up. I do have the stupid gnats and spider mites. I've tried everything to get rid of them, but no luck.

Is it too late to transport her into another pot? Her buds are about 1 inch long. I'm struggling - please offer any advice -


Well-Known Member
Pics or we cant really help much, but sounds like you have a diseased plant, the brown SPOTs and dying leaves.


Well-Known Member
It sounds like it is in sad shape. Not having a lighting system is going to really restrict what you can do, especially with fall coming. First things first, you must get rid of the spider mites. If you do not, your bud will be lost anyways to the mites and their webs. Floramite works, but is expensive. I use Safe Garden's Fungicide 3. It removes mold, fungus and kills mites. You may have to do a couple of applications, 5 days apart. This is a must, or you are wasting your time.

If you had lights indoors, I'd advise a repot, some selective pruning and getting the plant back into a veg status to generate some new, healthy grow after the spider mites and gnats were dealt with.

If you transplant now, you may shock her too badly to recover. Especially if you have to rely on a sun that will continue to cause her to flower. She'll put her energy into producing new roots rather than bud.

If you do have the room inside, consider buying some cheap t12 flouro shop lights and fitting them with T8 40w 6500k cool white plus bulbs. You can also mix in some warm bulbs for flowering. This is just a cheap suggestion until you can spend a couple hundred bucks and get a HID lamp system. I'm an LED guy, but it sounds like money could be a problem. FL's or flouros and get her inside after insects are gone.

can you provide some pics of the leaves? chances are with spider mights gnats, it's going to be hard to diagnose any deficiencies but we can always try.
Here's some quick pics -

The seeds came from a friends mom who grows them in her back yard, like bushes. So, I didn't think I'd need to do any lighting setup.


Well-Known Member
It looks like the early signs of a calcium deficiency. You can foliar feed with one tsp of dolomite lime per quart of water or add to pail of water and pour into soil (slower acting) Sorry, I don't know metrics. the damage on photo 2 appears to be from mites.