Here's the rundown: during the veg stage, I was taking my lady outside first thing in the morning and bringing her in at dark. First problem was that we had a shitty summer - we had zero sun in June and July, and I didn't have a light system. So she started flowering way early, but it's my first plant - so it's okay.
She's been flowering for almost a month now and in the last 10 days, she's been acting weird. Her bottom leaves turned brown and fell off. This trend has continued up the plant - leaves and drying out and loosing their color. Today, I came home and found tiny brown spots on some of the leaves about mid-way up. I do have the stupid gnats and spider mites. I've tried everything to get rid of them, but no luck.
Is it too late to transport her into another pot? Her buds are about 1 inch long. I'm struggling - please offer any advice -
She's been flowering for almost a month now and in the last 10 days, she's been acting weird. Her bottom leaves turned brown and fell off. This trend has continued up the plant - leaves and drying out and loosing their color. Today, I came home and found tiny brown spots on some of the leaves about mid-way up. I do have the stupid gnats and spider mites. I've tried everything to get rid of them, but no luck.
Is it too late to transport her into another pot? Her buds are about 1 inch long. I'm struggling - please offer any advice -