help switching to flowering stage


New Member
my first indoor grow. i have a female plant 2 months and a couple weeks old. the plant looks strong and healthy. ive had it under 6 26w 6500k and 2 26w 2700k bulbs. ive used miracle grow as soil and i transplanted into a 5 gallon pot about a month ago. now i have few questions ive done reading and from my understanding this is what i need to do to start flowering. 1. switch to 12/12 2. switch to 2700k bulbs 3. add fertilerizer (npk) anything else i need ??? can anyone recommend me some good fertilizers? my plan is to get four 42w 2700k and 2 26w 2700k will this do it for lighting? one thing i forgot to mention i am using windshield reflector all around. please any advise will be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Just switch your 6500 to 2700 ratio so there is now more 2700.

For nutes, I like Dyna Gro. You would want bloom.