help these plants survive!

Okay so here's the setup. There are 3 plants growing in a box about 2' by 2'. There are 4 flourescent lights. and have been. Growing for about 8 weeks and the biggest one is exceeding the grow space, reaching the lights and getting burned. So today I am going to make a bigger grow box. But anyways my big plant is sweating and there is water vapor all over the mylar inside of my current box. And I heard that that can cause mold. The plant is sweating out of the stem about halfway up and the perlite is turning brown could that be mold? Or whee would it form? It looks like a big chunk of something that was in the soil has some grey hair. I'm pretty sure that's mold. But how to I fix it! How do I get rid of it and prevent it after that.


Well-Known Member
i've heard sulphur can get rid of mold, not sure. may be something to look into...
hope it helps...