Help to wiring up a 16 strips in parallalel on HLG600h 36b


Hey guys , I finish my new fixture ,were I'm using 16strips of lm561c , they are 12 in parallalel and 12 in series 120led per strip , something around 35 to 40w per strip , so I wiring them up in parallel , but when turno on , the ligth just go untill 350w. The potentiometer reach this 350w on the middle , but when I still turn up the potentiometer nothing change , I'll really appreciate some help , is my First parallel build , so probably I'm doing something wrong . Thanks
Hey guys , I finish my new fixture ,were I'm using 16strips of lm561c , they are 12 in parallalel and 12 in series 120led per strip , something around 35 to 40w per strip , so I wiring them up in parallel , but when turno on , the ligth just go untill 350w. The potentiometer reach this 350w on the middle , but when I still turn up the potentiometer nothing change , I'll really appreciate some help , is my First parallel build , so probably I'm doing something wrong . Thanks
I'm confused, 16 strips but 12 are wired in parallel and 12 wired in series?

50k potentiometer or 100k potentiometer?

You got pics?
I'm confused, 16 strips but 12 are wired in parallel and 12 wired in series?

50k potentiometer or 100k potentiometer?

You got pics?

The strips are wire in parallel , they Have 120led per strip 12 in parallal and 12in series is the way they are build , And about the potenciometer ia cuz I 'm reaching this 350w on the half of knob , so I don't cuz hlg600 has tão outputs they need a different pot
The strips are wire in parallel , they Have 120led per strip 12 in parallal and 12in series is the way they are build , And about the potenciometer ia cuz I 'm reaching this 350w on the half of knob , so I don't cuz hlg600 has tão outputs they need a different pot
If you are using a 50k pot that would explain your issue. For a single driver you want to use a 100k pot. Your driver has a DIMM + and DIMM - (blue & white wires) and they should both be wired to your pot.

A picture of your wiring would be helpful.

This thread has tons of good info if you ever feel like checking it out.

As I remember, resistance dimming mode on these drivers means that when we hit >=100k ohms of resistance or just an open circuit the driver is at full blast. Since your dimming knob is only working through half it's stroke or turn and we are only reaching half power, it makes me think something is not wired correctly.

If the dimming knob is disconnected, open circuit on the dimming wires from the driver, does the light run at full power?
Sometimes the pot won't go all the way to 100k, just 99.5k and so installing a small value resistor in series with the pot will make sure you get all the way up to 100k.