I have a 11-14 room that I use to flower in.
Im using 4x 1000 Watts HPS and I have wall lighting 4x 8 bulb VHO T5 fixtures. for another 760 watts each fixture so 4 X 760 watts on wall 5 blue bulbs and 3 red bulbs, for more light spectrum. I have 5 diff strains in there right now, and all of them are doing allright except that I have to go through the garden once a week and pick yellow leaves for a half hour. One strained is bleaching bad, almost all yellow but growing and budding fine. The other strains are from light bleaching to some none, one is actually turning purple,just the leaves, starting at the center of leaf working outward. They are not dying, they are still healthy looking.This strain usually doesnt turn purple. The buds arent at all just the leaves. So if anyone has any idea what that might be??? My buds are huge for only 29 days of flower, they are normally 60-70 day strains, I think they may finish early because of the lighting. Just would like to know what people think the max light per square footage is considering of my almost 7000 watts almost 3000 are on the walls as side. Great nugs forming on the bottom too which was kinda the purpose, nice buds all up and down the plants due to the extra lighting on walls.
Any input on my problems would be appreciated.......1 Lighting 2 Purpeling leaves and 3 Is it normal to have to pick fan leaves of once a week during flower??? They arent dries up or anything, just completely yellow and fixing to drie up......They get plenty off water DAILY!!!!!
And at last, I just added Superthrive too my nutes, just wondering if its ok to use in bloom, I was told it would help keep my leaves lush and green. However I also heard youre not supposed to use it during flower cycle??Any input would be greatly appreciated.......Thanks.......Puffing tuff in the Mile High!!:weed:


Well-Known Member
Buy a cheap light meter so you can check the lumens reaching the plants, so you'll know for sure what they are getting, then adjust accordingly. They sell the meters cheap on Ebay, especially if you search the ones used for photography. I got mine for around $30(shipped) and it works great. :)


Well-Known Member
If you aren't giving them N with your bloom nutes then that could be the reason for them yellowing so much. You say that they get plenty of water every day; do you let them dry out at all? Too much moisture can prevent nutrients from being absorbed by the plants. For the light bleaching you can just back the light off a bit on the more sensitive ones. As far as turning purple on strains that normally don't, it could be a molybdenum def. They change purple but in a different way. There are some photos of it in the plant problem stickies.


Well-Known Member
I use fox farms with superthrive its good shit, and no worries Ive used it in flowing before its great