Help what is wrong?!


Active Member
You arnt using nutes yet are you? They just need nutes, start them at 15% of what the package says, then slowly work your way up to 75% of the package directions and dont go past that.

Also, stop cutting the fan leafs. That is for people who really can't water there plants enough and need to cut down on respiration. Also, some people do it for cloning. Either way, stop it.


Active Member
looks like a lock out, but they could they could just be hungry. i think the recommended dose is like 2-4 ml/ L. theres 3.78 liters in a gallon so you might want to bump it up a bit. what is the pH of you runoff?


Active Member
Ooooooh, you did say your using nutes. I couldnt tell what you were saying there. I thought it was your soil. It still looks like nute deficiency.