HELP: What's Happening to my plants?!?

I have had 3 successful harvests and now I am on my 4th. I have not changed anything with my process.

All of a sudden several mid-level leaves started turning yellow and now there are rust spots.

Check out these pictures...

What do you think might be going on here?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



New Member
looks like a nitrogen def my man very normal during flowering but usually doesnt happen til its close to harvest.


Well-Known Member
fan leaves naturally die off during flowering , nothing to worry bout man looking good
Is this really alright? This didn't happen during my last 3 harvests. Why is this happening now?

Look at the rust spots... is that normal?


Well-Known Member
if your ph is in range and the water is full and the ppms aren't too out of whack it is one of those two i would think.

Dr. Haze

Well-Known Member
may be a nute problem, or ph but im pretty sure you dont need to worry... its a natrual part of its life... they are putting all there energy into flowers so a few leaves will die
Do you think that it might be caused by water contamination?

What do these yellowing middle leaves and rust spots normally indicate during a soil based grow?


Well-Known Member
had same thing happen on my 3 week old plants because I didn't think they needed nutes. Once I started nutes, yellowing faded and no more rust spots. Def a nute or ph lockout issue, good luck!

Dr. Haze

Well-Known Member
what type of nutes are you using and how much, it coud be a defincency or a slight burn, also possible that a bug has gotten on to it