Help???which is best way to clone


any suggestions even tho i have research i would like to get my ppls from rollitup 2 help, with opinions or pass experiences, much appreciated..............
I dip them in clone x an put them in rapid rooter cubes. Under a t5 for about 2 weeks in a propagator with dome on, them take the dome off for about a week before u put them in ur system.


Well-Known Member
Just cut it dip it,soak a few rock wool cubes 5.5 phed water with some roots excelerator.After you put them in the dome mist them a few times a day...Thats what I do im no expert but they do root...


Take your vegging plant that you want to take cuttings from, a clean, preferably new, razor blade, a bottle of clone x, or shultz rooting powder if you want to go to walmart, a dixie cup with potting soil for later use, and clean hands. take a lower branch of the plant, one that comes directly off the main branch and keep it around threeinches long and take the razor and at a 45 degree angle make a clean smooth cut. dip the cut end in water and then clone x or schultz rooting powder. then put it in the dixie cup with some loosely packed soil to support it. keep it in a humid and temperate environment to promote rapid root growth.


Well-Known Member
you dont even neet root tone, just get you some good top-soil and add plenty of vermiculite to it. You will need a dome, because the only thing keeping them alive till they get roots is..humidity, and light. I just get clear punch cups at wally world, cut the rim off of one..and it will sit ontop of oneanother.. Just keep them under a CFL, and take the dome off 3 or 4 times a day for fresh air exchange. You will have roots in 7 to 10 days.


I use a homemade ez cloner, made out of rubbermaid pail, pvc tubing, spray heads and a good water pump. 8 clones at a time. cut a side stem about 6-8 inches long. clear the lower leaves. trim up the remaining leaves to help with transpiration. dip the cut end into rooting powder or gel, I've done both, no difference IMO. place the clones in the pucks and turn on the electricity. 15min on 15 min off all day. I use 1 23 watt compact cfl. I've had roots as soon as 3 days, it was an anomoly. most of the time I get roots in 5-7 days. To transplant I trimm the ends of the roots, be sure that u dont trim the upper portion of root that has side shoots. The long portion of the root is the growing part, to penetrate the soil. More will grow very fast so dont worry about trimming the few that are there.the upper portion is where the root actually uptakes the water, you'll see the little hairs growing on the sides of the root. place them in potting soil, water deeply and they love it. I never use a dome and rarely get any wilting even after I transplant.
Good Luck


Well-Known Member
plenty of rooting stimulant types available, not expensive, decent potting soil, a humid environment and light is all you need. cut your clone with a sterile tool, treat the stem with your chosen stimulant, plant in soil, keep humid and give light.


Well-Known Member
I seen a vid on youtube a couple months back that showed an interesting was to take cuttings. The guy made his 45% cut at the base, then he made a few more slits up the stem to expose more of the cambium layer. (DONT MAKE THE CUTS TOO DEEP)I tried this with GREAT success!! There was roots starting at every slit in the stem(I inspected before I transplanted it) This will be how I take clones from now on!!