Help! white mold growing inside DWC tub


2 plants in a DWC tub 1 is 3 weeks old the other is 2 weeks old.

I had an event where i put bad water and it created a foul smell which i got rid of with 35% h2o2 treatments and the smell never came back.

I've never seen anything growing inside the water itself... but ever since the h2o2 treatment, in the past week, on the younger plant, there has been white fine salt-like powdery mold growing on the aquarium rocks medium, and on the roots that are directly coming out of the medium(not on the roots that are near or in water) There is no such mold outside the tub on the medium, only inside the tub.

I let it grow to see what will happen (though there is regular 35% h2o2 in the tub about 1ml per 1L every 4-5 days)

Yesterday, I flushed with a strong 35% h2o2 treatment(2.5ml/L) because the roots that had mold growing on them stopped growing. When cleaning, I noticed on the bottom of the cup there was some dense dark brown slime... It was not like mucus, more like... overcooked peanut butter that's still kinda slimey. Oh and I didn't really notice any smell. The roots don't look rotten... they are somewhat yellowish but not rotten (im using FloraNova nutes could be stains). I make the ph 6.0 and it never moves, even after days... Unless I add new water then I ph it again, but it never even budges(but i use the color tests, its always yellow ~6.0)

Weird thing: in the same tub, the other plant is growing roots vigorously and is growing way faster on the outside too and has no signs of being infected as far as I can tell.

I really want to brew beneficial bacteria to help solve this problem (though it does not seem to be cyanobacteria), i'm sure it'll still help.... but... like i said its not growing in the water, only in the medium that is not touching water, will the bacteria help with the growth within the media? or do i poor it through the media or what?

What is this mold? does anyone know the name so I can research it? Also, I won't be going to the hydro store this week, but when I do, will brewing EWC tea be enough? how will I stop mold growth within the medium?

I sterilised with 2.5ml/L like it says on, and the mold didn't really seem to die off, i tried removing what i can with Q-tips, but I see it still growing.

Will a stronger treatment work better?

EDIT: The aquarium rocks aren't covered from light... but then again, its not growing on the exposed parts at all... only inside...


Well-Known Member
are you sure it's not just salt buildup from your nute water splashing on them and then drying leaving the salts visable? If it is mold I'm not sure what to suggest other than pouring your ewc tea through the medium instead of directly into the rez. Hope you get it figured out!