help with a drug test, urgent!


Active Member
ok so i have a u/a on tuesday morning at 9am. i was in jail for 2 1/2 months (so ive been clean for a couple months) but i smoked 5 days ago on wednesday. i only took 1 hit. i am 5'9", 125lbs, and pretty inactive other than to get up and piss, shower or eat.

my questions are:
a) will i still be dirty (it will have been 1 week exactly since i have smoked by the time i take my test ((smoked wednesday, test this tuesday)), so will i still be dirty since its the first time i smoked in 2 1/2 months and only took 1 hit of dank (to give u an idea of amount thc i might have consumed in that 1 hit, it was some good quality purp)? or will i be clean by now?
b) should i stop smoking cigarettes til after my test to keep excess toxins out of my body, so that itl focus more on thc removal rather than having a bunch of extra toxins to remove?

all info and replies will be greatly appreciated.
have a stony day folks.

Edit: iv got 3 years over my head thats why im so eager to find out. thanks again


you will be fine drink lots of water. one or two hits aint shit. is this for probation?

and depending on wich state you live, what kind of crime 3 years aint shit. in illinois you do like a year on 3 years or maybe even less.


Active Member
yea its for probation. i got 2 warrants, 7 p.v.'s, 4 possession, and 3 paraphernalia charges, so 1 more fuck up n they throwing me back in jail, i was supposed to do the 3 years but they let me out to go to rehab...


maaan 3 years aint shit. its less then it reads depending on were ur at. i have 4-15 years hanging over my head. my minimum is 4 dog.


Active Member
im in idaho. and yea theyd make me do the full 3 years. 1 year to top out probation and 2 years for all the charges.
thanks for the replies, btw.


Well-Known Member
Shit4 to 15 ain't shit. I got 25 to life hangin over my head and I don't bitch about it so you shouldn't either.


Well-Known Member
im kinda tired of these "can i pass a drug test?" and "do detox drinks really work?" threads

its really simple, if you dont want to get locked up and you know your getting drugtest, random or not, then dont do drugs, or do shit thats out of your system in a few days, like booze coke speed


Well-Known Member
he gangsta, hes gettin locked up for sellin that crack mad easy, they dont call him tupac for nuthin


You apparently live in Chicago. You do not have that right -legally.

*que Carlos saying dee-dee-dee*

Move to a place where it is your right, if that's all you care about.

you wouldnt know that from looking at my city lol