Help with a reggie plant

So im new to growing and new to this ish I have this little plant and i relly wanted to bud fast any ideas?' its sun grOwn on a pot out side my window


Well-Known Member

If the sunrises at 5 where you're at then at 5 in the afternoon put it in a closet. You can take it back outside after the suns gone down. So you wont have to get up every morning to put it back out in the sun. Make sure no light gets into the dark room you're putting it in. You shouldn't be able to see your hand in front of your face. You said it was outside your window? You should move it into a spot where the sunshine will hit it. You know when the sun gets on the other side of the house. You can also top, or low stress train to get more bud sites.


Well-Known Member
This thread is crap. You have no pics and ask for some general growing help. There is an endless amount of info to be read not only on this site but all over the web. There is also a thread on this forum for noobs if you have more specific questions.


Active Member
This thread is crap. You have no pics and ask for some general growing help. There is an endless amount of info to be read not only on this site but all over the web. There is also a thread on this forum for noobs if you have more specific questions.
Chill out hardass.