Help with Astro Chimp plant, dying or nahh?


Active Member
High! I'm in week 4 of flower, came in to my tent about 4 days ago and noticed that one of my plants looked like it was dying. They have the "claw" I read a lot about what is hard to tell for me was that some of the leaves were "crispy" and some were "damp", I ended up watering the plant a few days ago, so far they are not much if at all better. The buds compared to the rest almost look like swag. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
One of the pictures you can see it's the only plant that looks real bad.

I use florabloom,fox farms kelp me kelp you, mad farmer Silica,Humic Acid BIOAG with PH 6.5 every other water. The other time I water is just ph'ed water.

