Help with blumats


Hi guys. I have a question about blumats. I’m setting them up for the first time and this is probably a dumb question but here it goes.
I started my plants in solo cups then potted up to 1gal pots. Just this weekend I potted up to 7gal and am going to install my blumats. The questions is, since my plants are small for their pots I only gave a light watering. Not enough to soak 7gal of soil. Can I put the blumats in anytime. Should I water heavily and then install. Or should I wait a couple weeks until the roots are filling the pots? What is the best move when potting up into final containers and installing blumats?
You need to install the blumats (after soaking and purging them) when the medium is at the moisture level you want it to keep. So if you soak the soil, and install the blumats then set them, it'll keep the soil soaked.
Some additional information
Don't make up your own rules or use your own ideas. You'll cause yourself a world of problems. I learned alot trial and error. Still using them just for a diff setup now.
Right on. Thank you. So I will wait now until my pots need water. Then fully soak the medium. Then install my blumats. I just wasn’t sure because they’re small plants for a 7 gallon so I didn’t want the blumats overwatering them. Thank you.
Right on. Thank you. So I will wait now until my pots need water. Then fully soak the medium. Then install my blumats. I just wasn’t sure because they’re small plants for a 7 gallon so I didn’t want the blumats overwatering them. Thank you.
That's how you make them overwater. As JJ said, you want to insert the carrots at the ideal saturation level. That maintain that level. Too dry doesn't water enough, too wet waters too much. You could adjust the dial, but they will always be slightly out of whack.
That's how you make them overwater. As JJ said, you want to insert the carrots at the ideal saturation level. That maintain that level. Too dry doesn't water enough, too wet waters too much. You could adjust the dial, but they will always be slightly out of whack.
Oh ok. I was just worried because they’re small I didn’t want to fully saturate the large pots. Then I was thinking if I only give a small watering then set the blumats that they’ll never fully saturate the pots even as the plants grow. Id only be watering in the top bit of the pot.
Thank you. I read what you posted. But still not sure about watering a small plant in a large pot. But I think I have it figured now.
There's certainly a learning curve that goes into blumats. They'll usually over water more than under water because they aren't set/setup properly.
I know it seems funny, but using the moisture meter from blumat will help dial in the proper moisture level, and be able to accurately monitor the medium through the grow. If you are trying to really dial it in then that's the best way. Otherwise it's more like a guess.
There's certainly a learning curve that goes into blumats. They'll usually over water more than under water because they aren't set properly.
For sure a learning curve. See with the large pots and small plant, I only gave about 1.5 litres. So the soil near the plant is at ideal moisture level but the bottom 6” and all around the sides of the pot are still dry. If I put the blumats in now I’m worried it’s going to always keep it that way. My next train of thought is to wait until they need water again, give a good soak. Wait half a day or so, until the water is spread throughout and soil is evenly moist, then install. Thankyou all for your help.
For sure a learning curve. See with the large pots and small plant, I only gave about 1.5 litres. So the soil near the plant is at ideal moisture level but the bottom 6” and all around the sides of the pot are still dry. If I put the blumats in now I’m worried it’s going to always keep it that way. My next train of thought is to wait until they need water again, give a good soak. Wait half a day or so, until the water is spread throughout and soil is evenly moist, then install. Thankyou all for your help.
Trial and error my friend. You'll get it.
Thank you. I read what you posted. But still not sure about watering a small plant in a large pot. But I think I have it figured now.
I was referring to jjgrows post (#2) regarding setting the blumat when the moisture level is where you want it, not fully saturated
Watering a small plant in a big pot can be tricky
Best of luck