Help with cloning


I need help please.
I have been trying to clone with rockwool cubes and a humidity dome
Im not sure if My cuttings are too small and they die, or because the cuttings were taken from a budding plant (first week), or due to the cloning nuts i give it (jumpstart liquid, presoak the rockwool cubes and then insert cuttings)
They keep dying and I need help. This is the only thing I need to master in terms of gowing good bud, I want a constant supply. Please help, thanks.


Active Member
I had problems taking cuttings from a plant in flower, mine was a two weeks though, it was a certain strain. All the others had no problem, so you the strain could have something to do with it. Buy some roottech or some clonex and some rapid rooters. make sure you keep as much humidity as you can, by misting the dome frequently on the first few days.Mist the plants too, but not too much as they don't need much water at this point. The rapid rooters should come presoaked to the correct ph.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Just some notes we have for our cloning process:

start clones under 24hrs light till standing up (24hrs?) then switch to 18/6. Use peat pucks buried in damp perlite. Clones MUST
be planted in the pucks immediately, use schultz rooting hormone. Cut all clones from a given mother at once, placing each in a shotglass of water. Re-cut the stems under water and hold under for a minute, then dip in rooting powder. (I am experimenting with whether it is best to leave the powdered stem as is or to re-dip in water- Do not re-dip.) A heating pad is mandatory. There must be plenty of insulation between the pad and the clone pot. Do not wet the stem after dipping in rooting hormone. Use heating pad setting number one with metal mousepad case on top. I think the freshly cut clones should sit in the glass of water at least a few minutes. USE NO FERTILIZER. Wet peat pucks with plain water ph'd to 5.8. Add light ferts as soon as roots show and the clone is replanted.

We also put up some info & pics here:

Feel free to msg us with any questions.