Help With Hydro

too trick

Well-Known Member
k im growing hydro and i need to move a few plants my ? is can you cut the roots mine are all tangled up and i cant pull the plant out.


Active Member
Ya I have an AG what does it mean when you plants leaves are curving inward. Not the tips but the whole leaf is curving inward left and right

Nicky Poo

Active Member
I recently bought a set up it came with the pump, the set up itself nutrients, and the medium and a 150 watt agrolight, a friend of mine said i would be better off using CFL's so i am gonna buy 5 of them and have them set up, some of the questions i has were, what type of paper to reflect should i use, what is a good grow medium to use, my set up is in progress its my first, so any advice is appreciated thank you

