Help with leaf problems


Active Member
Constantly having leaves that are too green even tho I feed at less than half strength but lately I’ve noticed some spotting. Lol I wanna use some calmag but I know it has nitrogen in it.

I know there’s a little nute burn and they may look droopy but I just did a water only feed an hour ago and I’m sure they’ll perk back up.

Using: promix with heavy 16 nutes and LED lights. Climate, ph, ppm is under control, no bugs or interference. (First grow)

First 3 images are the same plant and last 2 are a different one



Well-Known Member
one time I crashed and broke my leg-they wrapped it in plaster of paris don't mean I like plaster of paris

same with ur calmag its a medicene (mostly for old plants) not a 'food'

you are sure they will' perk back up' .....but this is your first grow what do you know...?

either potup or flush

good luck