Help with leaf tips curling...


Active Member

I am growing my first plants, and I went to 12/12 to start flowering about 5 days ago...

Now the tips of my leaves are curling... Here is what I did:

Before the switch I put plain 6.0 PH water in my reservoir for 48 hrs during the first 48 hrs of 12/12. Then I added GH nutes - veg/micro/bloom at 26/26/26 tsp for the 13 gallons I have in my tank... For the transition... PH is still 6.0. I was planning on changing out the nutes after 7 days to 13/26/39 for blooming...

I have a 400W HPS light, which I moved up higher yesterday to about 15in from the tops.. My temp is 83 with 45% humidity.. I also have a fan blowing air out from the top of the room, and one directly on the plants blowing in from the bottom.

I was watering for 15min every 3 hrs, but I changed that to every 2 hrs yesterday, and it didn't help...

here is a link to my journal:

Any advice would be great!



Active Member
thanks morp... I had the foil there thinking I would get more light to a plant that was a bit covered.. But I have leaves curling on the plant farthest from the foil, and on the opposite side... Either way I took it down.. It probably wasn't doing much good anyway...


Well-Known Member
I could be wrong. But I thought during flowering you were supposed to used nutrients with the middle number higher. Such as 15-30-15 not 13-26-39. It could be due to that. Maybe someone else has more information.


Active Member
The numbers are listed as Grow/Micro/Bloom (these are General Hydros Flora nutes)

per the bottle it suggests 2/2/2 tsp/gallon for Transition, and 1/2/3 tsp/gallon for Bloom... I have also read that for bloom people don't use any grow, just micro and bloom so 0/2/3 But I have been following the instructions for each stage from GH, and I have had great results so far... this is my first concern...

Currently I have 26/26/26... (13 gal x 2 tsp each)


Active Member
Last night I topped off the tank, and I smelled the water... it kind of smelled a little wierd in there... like mildew or mold... Should I get some kind of air pump to keep the water moving? I never noticed it before, but the HPS does put off more heat then the MH I was using until now... Or is it normal for a hydro tank to have a wierd smell to it? The roots look great too... bright white, and fuzzy... a lot more of them too in the last week...

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I always keep reservoir water moving.. ALWAYS!


You may want to consider addiding some HYDROGEN PEROXIDE to your water...


Last night I topped off the tank, and I smelled the water... it kind of smelled a little wierd in there... like mildew or mold... Should I get some kind of air pump to keep the water moving? I never noticed it before, but the HPS does put off more heat then the MH I was using until now... Or is it normal for a hydro tank to have a wierd smell to it? The roots look great too... bright white, and fuzzy... a lot more of them too in the last week...
I would definitly add an airpump/stone in the resivor. never know, your babies might want more oxygen...

I always keep reservoir water moving.. ALWAYS!


You may want to consider addiding some HYDROGEN PEROXIDE to your water...
I also keep my resivor water moving, i feel it keeps the water stable - everywhere. and fresh. there will be no ph or nute hotspot/buildups in just certain areas, which could end up as a cause for diaster.

sounds like you're doing fine with the nutes. try that oxygen.


Active Member
you can get an air stone made for fish tanks and a small pump to just keep water moving and also add oxygen to the water it cost me like 12 dollars at wal mart


Active Member
Thanks for the advice everyone! I actually went and got a pump and some airstones today! I got 3 different ones so I can see if there is a difference between them... I put one in today, so I will see what differnece that makes... I'm sure that will fix my problem... I'm going to change the water and clean my resivor tomorrow too, and add nutes for flowering...

thanks again!


Active Member
They look great!!! I have 2 females, and one male I just took out... I hope in time! They grew so much that they took up the entire closet... I had too move the system out a little, and adjust my light because the tips were getting too close... The top ones did get a little burnt, so I hope it didn't cause too much damage.. Here are some updated pics... The airstone helped, and made a big difference!



Active Member
from the picture i can tell you right away that is caused by overwatering. you should only be watering them for about 3 to 4 times a day.
I too have curling tips. My plants are about three months old, and i have started to put them through the flowering stage. they are grown indoor. I recently discovered brown spots on one plant and curling tips on the other. I'm not too sure what to do, i'm thinking i over watered them. any thoughts?
