help with male/female plants


Active Member
2nd time grow first didnt work out well . i was wondering if anyone could take a look at my pictures and see if they can tell if my plants are male/female . i took cuttings from all 4 plants and am growing mother plants but i dont want to waste time growning male plants so any help would be great . thank you to anyone that takes the time to help out ..



Active Member
They all look like female so far, but it still a little early. Just keep an eye out for them balls to start forming and then you'll know you got a male on your hands.


Well-Known Member
I can't tell on the first two pics. The third pic looks like it has some balls but would need better pics to be sure. The fourth pic is male for sure.

They all look like female so far, but it still a little early. Just keep an eye out for them balls to start forming and then you'll know you got a male on your hands.


Active Member
thanks for the input . i will wait a few more days and see if they really show there colors . i was looking at pics on the faq and the female pics looked like they had spikes . all my plants seem to have spikes so i will give it a little more time before i pull them ..


Well-Known Member
Male and female plants have spikes.

thanks for the input . i will wait a few more days and see if they really show there colors . i was looking at pics on the faq and the female pics looked like they had spikes . all my plants seem to have spikes so i will give it a little more time before i pull them ..