Help with my plant


Active Member
Ok so heres the scoop! The Plant has some serious issues. Not only is it about a month and two weeks old and only has 4 or 5 sets of marijuana leaves but most have yellow spots on them and some of the yellow spots have turned into holes. The stems of almost all of the actual marijuana leaves are purple (dont know if this is genetics or P deficiency....please let me know), and overall growth seems slow. I have been using a Fertilizer with a NPK ratio of 24-8-16 diluted into regular bottled water, all according to the amounts directed for use. I have a fan oscillating on the plant to strengthen the stems, and i do not water the plant until i reach my finger down and its dry (usually after 3 days). In addition its in a gallon pot, and just in the past week it has started to sprout additional stems at each of the internodes. I will post pics soon but what im most worried about are the yellow spots which are turning into holes. I have read it could be spider mites but i have never seen bugs around my plant as my house is very clean. Im worried that it is from a N deficiency or nutrient burn, but because i am a noob i dont know which and i dont want to do anything irrational and kill it. I just want to get through harvest to learn so i can improve my skills! My grow room also fluctuates in temperature often probably going anywhere from 60 - 70 degrees. I have heard that this can impede its growth so could this be causing all of my problems? If so let me know and i will move it near a heater or something! Also im using a 2500 lumen flourescent single light bulb, which i think is adequate light but could this be causing the holes from streching since i have it placed directly in the middle over the newly growing sets of leaves? Pictures are coming thanks for your help!


Active Member
sounds like you are in the same position i was about four months ago. you might be giving your babies too much nutrients. since you don't have pics, which helps tremendously , check first for bugs- spider mite are very hard to see, but you should be able to spot them and their eggs underneath the leaves with good lighting and a magnified glass.

if no bugs, i would suggest flushing them really good with 6.5ph water....nothing else. make sure the water floods out of all the holes in the bottom of your pots.
the spots will not go away. all you can do is look for new growth and keep them healthy.
by the way, do you know the sex of yer babies? did you start off with seeds or are they clones
PM me if you need any help