Help with my seedling! Taking it out in the sun.


New Member
Thanks for taking the time to read this. So my seedling is about a week old I think, I haven't really been keeping track of the days but I take care of it and watch over it frequently. as far as the state that it's in, so far those 2 pointy leaves after the round ones have come up. I was just wondering it i could take my seedlings outside and leave it out in the sun. Would that be okay? I just need some input on growing, this is my first grow and it'd be nice if i could get some feedback on how I'm growing it.

This is how i grew it. ( if you guys were curious)

I cut a plastic water bottle in half and put potting soil in it (miraclegrow) and placed my germinated seed in there with the tap root facing up, at the time i didnt know which way the orientation of the seed was supposed to be. but it really didnt matter, the seed itself will figure it out.
Basically thats it, I water it every day, but not to much more like pour water onto the cap of a water bottle and poured a couple caps worth of water around the plant. and theres a plate that i leave under the water bottle to catch any excess water.

Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
Sure, it can go outside. Do you have a better container than a sawed-off water bottle? I would transplant it into a bigger pot if you have one. Note that a bigger container & outdoor conditions may require more water than you currently give. Lift the new, filled pot before you water it, and again after. This will give you an idea of when water is needed, by comparing the weight.
One last thing, keep an eye on it the first few days, especially if it's hot in your area.

Are you going to leave it outside, or just take advantage of the sun? G/L!


New Member
Sure, it can go outside. Do you have a better container than a sawed-off water bottle? I would transplant it into a bigger pot if you have one. Note that a bigger container & outdoor conditions may require more water than you currently give. Lift the new, filled pot before you water it, and again after. This will give you an idea of when water is needed, by comparing the weight.
One last thing, keep an eye on it the first few days, especially if it's hot in your area.

Are you going to leave it outside, or just take advantage of the sun? G/L!

Thats what I usually do, wake up take my baby thats sitting on my windowsill and bring it on outside and leave it out in the sun.
recently the seedling's been looking kinda different than other seedling that i see grown on youtube. The tips of the leaves are looking kinda pale-ish purple but more pale than purple.
I've been doing some research and maybe its due to temperature being too cold then hot? when i look at the stem of the plant (the thing holding the whole plant up) the first bottome half of the stem is purple, then it gets more tannish then finally purple again near where the leaves are located. Guys I need help. Please and thank you.