Help with new clones!!! Showing deficiency (PICS)

hot cheetos

Active Member
I got some clones and days 1 & 2 went well. I let them sit a little longer for the plants to acclimate to their new environment and fed them twice, once lightly with just RO water on the first day and then with a light feeding of grow on the second day. Didn't want to shock them with too much nutrients because they were organic fed clones in rockwool. Yesterday i transplanted them into solo cups and coco and fed them again with the same light dose of grow, 1/4 strength again. Light watering, didnt drench. Today im noticing some calcium deficiency. I'm using RO in coco...DUH. Which line for dya gro is the best to correct calcium deficiency?

Also, should i stop using RO?



Well-Known Member
Is there any deficiency on the new growth?

Its a pretty harsh process for that cutting to make roots, they look great to me


Well-Known Member
Your clones look fine to me. I see some yellowing on some old growth but they are most likely fine. If you're worried about Calcium I use plain ol' CalMag. Of course I also use tap water so I have come calcium already in my mix when I'm doing it up. I personally wouldn't bother with RO water though a lot of people seem to like it. You should do what works for you.

hot cheetos

Active Member
What bothers me is the brown crusting on some of the new growth as you can see in the pics. I don't know what deficiency I have I just assumed calcium considering due to RO and coco.

Maybe I'm not feeding enough. I'm still on 1/4 strength, they've fed 3 times in total so far. About once per day. I more of wait for the cup to get light before i feed.
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Well-Known Member
What bothers me is the brown crusting on some of the new growth as you can see in the pics. I don't know what deficiency I have I just assumed calcium considering due to RO and coco.

Maybe I'm not feeding enough. I'm still on 1/4 strength, they've fed 3 times in total so far. About once per day. I more of wait for the cup to get light before i feed.
Dont love them to death, ive been there...

I would drop the RO water, its very hard to find a balance in replacing all of the things that are removed during the RO process

Your deficiencies arent severe, or even bad, dont make the mistake of chasing a problem that isnt there, ive done that one too

Good luck with your grow!


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure they don't need feeding every day at that size. Try not to hover over them too much because that's how you end up loving them to death. Over-watering is the biggest newb mistake so watch out for that. They've been through a lot in a few days and I think they probably just need time to recover, although they look fine to me. It's good that you're asking questions, if you're eager to learn then I'm sure you'll do just fine. Read plenty, there's loads of good guides on here, and ask if you run into trouble :peace:


Well-Known Member
Oh, I know you didn't ask but since I'm here, consider using perlite in your coco when you next transplant. It dries out much quicker with the perlite in so you can water more often, cos you don't want to be watering until the top couple of inches are dry, and I found the few plants I did with just coco needed much longer between waterings. This makes sure you get plenty of oxygen to the roots and the better your roots are the better your buds are. Seaweed, too, is turning out to be a bit of a miracle juice for me so I highly recommend it, if you're interested you should definitely look into it.

hot cheetos

Active Member
Thanks for the replies guys, appreciate it. I watered yesterday, I don't think they really needed it since the cups weren't light but they were a bit lighter and especially some of them were a lot lighter. I watered because I wanted to feed them the calmag that I purchased. Fed just tap water with cal mag at 6.0ph and about 480ppm.

Got just a little bit of run off on only one of the cups so I decided to test it it.....

Runoff ph 2.7!?!?

I have no idea what this means!! Lol someone shed some light please!

Also on a sidenote, a LOT of my stems are turning purple. Like...almost all of them. Why? What does it mean?? I read that it might be due to cold temps. My temps never go below 70. I have it stable at around 72-80 with a RH of 65-75
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a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies guys, appreciate it. I watered yesterday, I don't think they really needed it since the cups weren't light but they were a bit lighter and especially some of them were a lot lighter. I watered because I wanted to feed them the calmag that I purchased. Fed just tap water with cal mag at 6.0ph and about 480ppm.

Got just a little bit of run off on only one of the cups so I decided to test it it.....

Runoff ph 2.7!?!?

I have no idea what this means!! Lol someone shed some light please!
I think your on the right track. Base with cal mag is money for coco starts. Once on a good and steady nutrient feed your girls will get awesome.

hot cheetos

Active Member
Thank you guys. They seemed to be doing pretty well, until today. I had roots coming out of all of the drainage holes of the cups 3 days after transplanting to solo cups. I transplanted on the 7th and had roots on the 10th. The roots are now exploding out of the bottoms. I fed Monday 7/11/16 at 12:30am first time with a little less than half strength 450ppm 6.0ph and some runoff (was 1/4 strength with almost no runoff before), then i fed again yesterday morning Thursday 7/14/16 at 1am with half strength 550ppm 6.0ph and more runoff, like 15% runoff. Humidity is 65-75% still, with temps around 75-77 sometimes drifting to 72-80. Lights about 8 inches from the top (4 bulb 4foot T5). 400CFM exhaust fan+filter combo on a little higher than lowest setting of the fan controller.

Everything seemed to be going pretty well until today i noticed i have a lot of leaves clawing at the tips. Some of them also curling down looking like they are over watered but most of them just have the tips pointing straight down (pics). I'm not sure what the issue is. I had 3 days in between waterings so i don't think it should be over watering? Thoughts? My research tells me its nitrogen toxicity...? Should i flush them and feed again at a lower dosage? Currently its Foliage pro+Protekt and calmag from botanicare. 0.6ml FP, 0.6ml Protekt and 1.5ml calmag.

On a side question, should i be transplanting soon? Its been about 1 week since i transplanted and ive got a lot of roots out of the bottom its almost clogging the drainage holes. Should i go ahead and move them to their permanent grow pot? (3 gal fabric pots). Will be scrogging 16 plants in a 10x10 room with 4k watts. 4 plants per tray 4 trays.

On a side side question, i have one plant whose leaves are turning a slight shade of purple. Any idea about this? Almost all of my plants stems are purple now as well.

(pictures are sorted in order. first set of root pics are sunday pictures when i first noticed the roots. 2nd set of root pics are as of today. and the clawing pics are as of today)


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a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Thank you guys. They seemed to be doing pretty well, until today. I had roots coming out of all of the drainage holes of the cups 3 days after transplanting to solo cups. I transplanted on the 7th and had roots on the 10th. The roots are now exploding out of the bottoms. I fed Monday 7/11/16 at 12:30am first time with a little less than half strength 450ppm 6.0ph and some runoff (was 1/4 strength with almost no runoff before), then i fed again yesterday morning Thursday 7/14/16 at 1am with half strength 550ppm 6.0ph and more runoff, like 15% runoff. Humidity is 65-75% still, with temps around 75-77 sometimes drifting to 72-80. Lights about 8 inches from the top (4 bulb 4foot T5). 400CFM exhaust fan+filter combo on a little higher than lowest setting of the fan controller.

Everything seemed to be going pretty well until today i noticed i have a lot of leaves clawing at the tips. Some of them also curling down looking like they are over watered but most of them just have the tips pointing straight down (pics). I'm not sure what the issue is. I had 3 days in between waterings so i don't think it should be over watering? Thoughts? My research tells me its nitrogen toxicity...? Should i flush them and feed again at a lower dosage? Currently its Foliage pro+Protekt and calmag from botanicare. 0.6ml FP, 0.6ml Protekt and 1.5ml calmag.

On a side question, should i be transplanting soon? Its been about 1 week since i transplanted and ive got a lot of roots out of the bottom its almost clogging the drainage holes. Should i go ahead and move them to their permanent grow pot? (3 gal fabric pots). Will be scrogging 16 plants in a 10x10 room with 4k watts. 4 plants per tray 4 trays.

On a side side question, i have one plant whose leaves are turning a slight shade of purple. Any idea about this? Almost all of my plants stems are purple now as well.

(pictures are sorted in order. first set of root pics are sunday pictures when i first noticed the roots. 2nd set of root pics are as of today. and the clawing pics are as of today)
Would think they need to be potted up into something bigger.

hot cheetos

Active Member
Any thoughts on the clawing of the tips? Should I go 1gal pots or just straight into their grow pots, which will be 3gal fabric pots.

hot cheetos

Active Member
Its been almost 2 weeks since i transplanted in solo cups and ive had roots coming out the bottom since day 3 of them being in the solo cups. I'm going to transplant tomorrow since its been over a week since roots were coming out the drainage holes.

Should i transplant into 1gal pots or should i go straight to their permanent pot which would be a 3 gallon fabric pot?


Well-Known Member
When I started learning how to take cutting and rooting them I started using rockwool they rooted with the solution I use life by RX green BTW but when I transfer them to solo cups here's might be your issue if I started my fox farm routine they started to look like yours bit if I continued using the cloning solution pH as stated on bottle 5.0-5.5 even soil they thrived for 2 more weeks until they were fine for the next step maybe yours weren't ready for soil feedings try phing your solution to soiless pH see if it helps

hot cheetos

Active Member
When I started learning how to take cutting and rooting them I started using rockwool they rooted with the solution I use life by RX green BTW but when I transfer them to solo cups here's might be your issue if I started my fox farm routine they started to look like yours bit if I continued using the cloning solution pH as stated on bottle 5.0-5.5 even soil they thrived for 2 more weeks until they were fine for the next step maybe yours weren't ready for soil feedings try phing your solution to soiless pH see if it helps
I'm in 100% coco. Feeding Dyna grow.