Help with not smoking


Active Member
I'm out of town for a few weeks because my sister is sick and needs surgery and on top of that I can't find anywhere to get herb from. I've been smoking for 4 years and the last 2 years i've smoked pretty much everyday and like 5 times a day and now that I don't have any herb I really feel like crap, I have trouble sleeping, i cant eat without my stomach getting upset and it sucks.
I was wondering if any of you guys went through anything similar and what helped for like eating and sleeping.
damn i really wish i could just light up :joint:

Mr Kush

Active Member
That has happened to me before too, and a lot of others on the site who had been off marijuana for a while. It takes the same effect as what it does when you're coming off most kinds of medication. Well, it is a kind of medication in itself which I'm guessing is why this happens.

Try some sleeping pills and see how you go with them. They work for some (me included) but for some tokers they have no real effect. Maybe someone else can help you out with some other methods and some for eating. Sorry I couldn't help out much, hope you feel better and are toking up again soon. Best of luck to you and your sister.


Well-Known Member
Damn my brother i feel with you ...i know what is it!!:cry:..What couple beers?

I'm out of town for a few weeks because my sister is sick and needs surgery and on top of that I can't find anywhere to get herb from. I've been smoking for 4 years and the last 2 years i've smoked pretty much everyday and like 5 times a day and now that I don't have any herb I really feel like crap, I have trouble sleeping, i cant eat without my stomach getting upset and it sucks.
I was wondering if any of you guys went through anything similar and what helped for like eating and sleeping.
damn i really wish i could just light up :joint:


Well-Known Member
You are simply having withdrawl mentally - I don't believe in physical withdrawl. You are experiencing what you are because you steady thinkin' about smoking. Try to get your mind completly off of herb. I know it's difficult, but after a few days you'll find yourself not craving. If you really wear yourself out during the day you should be able to get sleep without pills.


Active Member
Thanks guys, the sleeping part really isn't that hard but i guess i still have to get used to eating without being high because i get full so much faster now and it feels like my stomach to blow up


Well-Known Member
Yea man I have also been dry for about a week and experiencing the exact same problems. The over the counter "unisom" sleep aid pills help a bit when trying to go to sleep, they take about an hour to work. Unfortunately I find it a bit harder to make myself get up in the morning when I take them. I can only suggest that you get outside and do some hard work or run around and play sports and exercise. Exercise will also stimulate your appetite. Eat a comfortable sized meal/snack before you sleep, maybe have a shot or two of alcohol or something, that could help you if you are having trouble sleeping too. Good luck, I feel you man.