Help With Nutrients!!!


Well-Known Member
:joint:Hey everyone whats going on?.....i juts have a few quick questons.....i have about 50 plants from seeds going still in veg using hps 18/6 and there just about a foot and a bit tall from the top of soil and some are just starting to show sex......i have been using an organic veg juice and ph'ing the water...first i just want to know exactly what the best ph is for them.....second is there any other things i can add to them during veg that will enhance the yeild and potency or just make them grow better thats not too expensive and available in canada...and also what are some good budding and flowering nutes that can be used to help with the same things???.......any other help would be greatly appreciated...i am new to this but everything seems to be going good......................................... i just want to pump up the stash.....thanks alot in advance guys!!!

HAPPY TOKIN!!! :joint::blsmoke::joint::blsmoke::joint::blsmoke::joint::blsmoke::joint::blsmoke::joint::blsmoke::joint::blsmoke::joint::blsmoke:


New Member
Assuming you are growing in soil, here's some excellent nutrients:

Vegging: Peter's "Jack's Classic" 20-20-20.

Flowering: Peter's "Jack's Classic Blossom Booster" 10-30-20.

Here's where you can order via mail: Jack's Classic Plant Food from J.R. Peters, Inc., Fertilizer Manufacturer - Jacks Classic

Don't exceed 1/4 strength through out the grow and you'll be fine. MJ LOVES this stuff. Used correctly, it will help grow prized show plants.

Yield is dependent upon strain and light. Potency is dependent upon strain.

Good luck in your grow.



Well-Known Member
I just bought Jacks Classic - All Purpose, Bloom Booster and even Houseplant special. When did you start using it...? It'll be 2 weeks this thursday since my three have sprouted and I started to use flu lighting...thanks....


Well-Known Member
Thats the exact stuff i am using so what do you mean by 1/4 strength? I have a 5ft, a 4ft, and 3ft all in big-ass pots w/ soil that i easily feed one gallon of water w/ nutrients weekly...So my other question is what would you recommend? I usually use maybe a 1/4 or 1/2 TBL per gallon per plant because I dont want to overdue it, do you think it would be safe to use a full table spoon?


New Member
1/4 strength is exacty what it means. If the label calls for one teaspoon per gallon of water, use 1/4 teaspoon instead. If you ever see your leaf tips starting to turn brown, then you've used too much ferts or have a build up of too much ferts. In that case just run plain water through the pots until it runs clear from the bottom of the pots.

You guys are going to love the results of using Peters products.



Well-Known Member
So im assuming since Im growing outdoors then use 1/4 TABLESPOON instead of 1/4 TEASPOON?

Awesome help by the way!!


New Member
So im assuming since Im growing outdoors then use 1/4 TABLESPOON instead of 1/4 TEASPOON?

Awesome help by the way!!
Thanks ... :)

Never been an outdoors grower, but I don't see why you'd increase the amount of fertilizer. I mean, don't you mix the fertilizers into a bucket of water, then feed the plants that way? Anyway, always use the lesser amount. You can always increase the dose, but if you over-dose, how would you decrease it ... especially in an outdoor grow? ~lol~



Well-Known Member
How often are you using the nute mix...? I'm also using jacks classic, I'm growing indoors. 3 plants.


Active Member
dirt u wanna have a little higher ph i think about 5.8 6.5 for flowering.6-6.8 for veg not exact but i know hydro is lower 5.5- 6.5 and dirt is dirt flower is lower ph and veg is higer on both ph.


Well-Known Member
Once a week huh...? Well...I just started giving the plants the nute mix every watering...just like the direction say...1/4 per 1 gallon mix...
