Help with plant problem, first CFL grow


Active Member
Hi everyone, I hope someone can suggest whats going on here.

This is one of my Fem WW, about 6 weeks old. I've been growing in soil mixed with perlite, and under CFL (seriously lots of them - I'm used to HPS, so have pretty much matched if not exceeded the lumens - worked out about 7000 lumens/sq ft).

The other day (cant remember which one :-o) I had to prune some fan leaves, as they were got too close to a light that had moved somehow and burned - which is what the browning on one of the leaves in pic is. She was growing like a lunatic for the previous week and completely healthy. Ever since though, its slowed right down, the leaves have curled under and getting bronze, you can see also in one pick that they are getting brittle - cracking inside when i lifted up. Initially just older growth but now new growth too

I've had something similar before with excess water or P def, but I dont think this is the prob because theres a crapload of perlite in the mix so it drains really well. Am fert'ing with Miracle Gro, which has never caused me deficiency probs before. Ph is 6.3, plus theres a younger plant right next to it which hasn't had any probs.

It was going to start 12/12 next week, but dont want to do that when its sick, any ideas?

Cheers in advance

