help with raid uk

hi just before christmas me and a work friend rented a house together as was cheeper and closer to our jobs i lost my job moved out went back at a later date to grab my laptop and i find out there is around 200plants there around 45 lights ect i went mad at my mate as its in my name aswell i tore 1 of the rooms down and left and he said he was getting rid of it all so now 2 months later i get a call from him saying that it has been raided and he has left the country now im stuck i dont no what to do as its in my name aswell and my finger prints will be there as i lived there for abit plus i took loads of lights down when i found it its been 4 weeks since the raid he says there was around 15k there any ideas what will happen to me or what is best for me to do? any help would be great the police have not yet to contact me


bud bootlegger
i'm calling bs on your friend... unless you've been back to the house and can tell for certain that a raid has indeed happened, it sounds to me like he is full of poo... maybe he is not, but it just doesn't sound right to me..
how did they raid the house and him not get arrested at the time of the raid?? if he or anyone else was there at the time of the raid, any and all of them would have been arrested on the spot... was there any other friends staying at the house? have any of them contacted you and told you that there was a raid??

i don't know, i just smell a rat so to speak..


Well-Known Member
if your story is true then your good. i doubt your story is true b/c when you move out of a place you normally sign a paper passing responsibility...

don't mean to sound like a prosecutor, but seems like you just rented the place in your name, then had them go crazy doing what they wanted, and now they're washing their hands saying it's your name on the lease, and your pointing the finger at them saying you didn't live there....... a defense that hardly ever EVER works.....

but if they raided they've been watching the place, preparing evidence n shit.

don't go overthere telling them you have no idea what was happening and then have them pull out over 100 pics showing you at the house......

anyways good luck.....