help with rootbound plants


Well-Known Member
so ive got 3 plants in 5gal buckets. the other day i watered them, and a few hours later one was drooping. then the next day the two others were drooping bad also. i figured it was overwatering, but now i think theyre rootbound because its been 2 days and theyre all getting worse. is there any way to keep them in these buckets without affecting them negatively? i dont have money for bigger pots or more soil. and i cant put them in the ground because i need to move them


Well-Known Member
Well if they dried out too much that will damage the hair like roots and that could take a couple or 3 days to recover from.
How large are these plants? I grew 4 in a 10 gallon pot at the same time they got a little over 3 feet tall and did not stress much.


Well-Known Member
Well if they dried out too much that will damage the hair like roots and that could take a couple or 3 days to recover from.
How large are these plants? I grew 4 in a 10 gallon pot at the same time they got a little over 3 feet tall and did not stress much.
theyre about 2-3ft tall. theyre really droopy today

South Texas

Well-Known Member
See a job site where Painters are doing what Painters do best, besides getting drunk, they will give you all the 5 gal. bucks you want. Find a Guy rasing Rabbits, get the manure for free, just rinse it good to wash off the urine. With the dirt/soil you have, you can mix it to the manure & plant 3 seperate plants. Lay the bucket on it's side, & roll it over & over, until the soil breaks loose from the bucket, then roll it & gently pull the plants out for a look. If they are in fact root bound, take a razor knife, & cut from top to bottom about 5 times around the root system. This will start new roots. To divide the plants, I would soak in water with Molasses & seaweed, to wash the soil off, & bare-root the 3 plants in good soil. Water VERY well so the soil will have solid contact with the roots, no air pockets. The Dirt Doctor shold have info on bare rooting, He's been working on it. And He's the one that uses the razor knife.


Well-Known Member
I would just simply flip the whole plant upside down, supporting the roots and soil, shake the bucket a bit and the bucket should slide right off the root ball and soil.once the bucket is off i would just place the whole plant on the ground and hope that the roots sink in to the natural soil


Well-Known Member
actually, today i found out i may not have to move them! i figured out a way to make the area they currently stay in during the day darker than moonlight! i thought id have to make a hoop house and move them into it at night when flowering comes in a few weeks.
tomorrow i will check the soil under them. there are rocks about 2" in diameter above the dirt, to create an artificial driveway in the backyard. ive never really looked at the dirt under the rocks, so idk what its like.

ALSO. today they seemed a bit dry, so i watered them a little bit. they all perked up after a few hours, but not as much as id like. its wierd because the drooping started right after i watered last time, so it wasnt an underwatering problem. yet, water fixed it so idk lol. does that sound like rootbound?

King Blunt

Well-Known Member
I think my girl is rootbound. Would someone check my thread and see if you could help me. Its Misty and others continued or something. Sorry for the thread jack bro, just needin help also