Help with weird yellowing PIC


This plant is about a week and a half into flower. Right before i took it out the veg room it was my strongest healthiest plant.She vegged under LEDs and CFLS. I run a 600 Hps in my flower room. The discoloration is only on the top half of the plant all the lower leaves appear fine. I thought light stress so i moved it up but to no avail. I fed her FF big bloom, tiger bloom, open seasame and some purple max last week. so she just got plenty of nutes and the color did not get better. I stay to a strict feed scheduale of water food water food water food ect. and im growing in FF ocean forest. Can anybody give me any advice? Thanks RIO.


Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
It's probably either the soil Ph or you have a deficiency. If the latter, it looks like Nitrogen and Magnesium def. Check the soil Ph first.