Help with Zinc deficiency

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

After twawling various threads i have come to the conclusion i have a zinc defficiency with 2 of my plants.

My plants are currently 2 weeks into 12/12 and have seemingly developed this problem since i switched. The new shoots are acid lime green turning lighter as the days go on, the new growth is kind of twisted and small and bunched up really closely too.

I have given them a dose of epsom salts as a precaution but the paleness continues with chlorosis setting in between the veins.

i am feeding them bio-grow - 2mls alga-mix 3 mls and biobloom 2 mls per litre and are growing in biobizz fert.

As im already using a nute schedule i was wondering if anyone could recommend a single supplement zinc especially for deficient plants as ive read just to feed it a plant food with zinc in it but im worried im gonna get lost with additional dosages of the biobizz range if i add another type of broad range nute.

Any ideas as i really wanna nip this in the bud ( forgive the pun) before it gets out of hand :P


Agent xxx