Help! Yellowing and Brown Dots


Ok guys I need your help with this one. This is a 1.5 month old Critical+ plant.

For Soil
: I have 1/3 Roots Organic, to about 2/3 soil less Sunshine mix (Contains sphagnum peat moss, perlite and dolomite lime).

For Nutes : Botanicare's Pure Blend Pro. Last dose I gave it 5ml of veg, and 2ml of bloom. I'm using a low amount because the roots organic contains nutrients, and I found in the past if I go too high it gets burnt.

I'm using RO spring water from the grocery store (PH of about 6). Temps stay btwn 70-82, with a humidity around 50%. I usually water it every other day, sometimes I give it only water without the added nutes.




Well-Known Member
Are you using Cal-Mag? If not then you definitely should. Especially with RO water. I use Cal-Mag with tap water as well. It never hurts. Throw about 10ML per gallon at them and I bet things get better. After the plants get better, 5ML per gallon at every watering and/or feeding.

Good luck.