Help! Yellowing leaves close to harvest.


I am close to 12 weeks of flowering-not from the switch but from the beginning of flowering and they are close but still not quite. Most trikes are still clear with a few amber and calyxes are continuing to swell. My last watering was four days ago and i noticed these yellow leaves which have their own unique markungs it looks like. Anyone know what it could be? Thanks!



You probably need to provide more information. Personally for me, if I watered every 4 days my pots would be dried out beyond belief but I use 3 gallon pots. What size are you in?

I have also read its quite normal for discolored leaves close to harvest. If you are at 12 weeks that could be normal.


Well-Known Member
looks like a ca or mg lockout probably from low pH. could also be a P or K problem from high pH or nutrient antagonism.