Help, Yellowing Leaves - Pics

I have placed two pics below of leaves on my one plant. The plant is just over 4 weeks in the veg stage. I have no idea what strain it is. It's in a 12" pot and has plenty of room. I'm using a single 6500K (125 watt) bulb, so there shouldn't be any real heat issues. Also, I believe the plant to be on the small side thus far.

I am watering the plant properly I'm waiting until it's dry about an inch down before watering. Maybe 3-4 days between each watering. The soil has some nutrients but twice in 4 weeks I have added a very small amount of nutes to the water.

All that said, this has me perplexed. Anyone who can shed some light on the yellowing issue will be greatly appreciated.



Active Member
The yellowing could be just normal bottom fan leaves dying off. Try to let your soil get kinda dry before re-watering. What kind of soil are you using? And i recommend that you get some more lighting soon, cause that puppy is gonna wanna take off soon. I would start with a 1/3 strength nutes, how many gallon pot are you using ?


Well-Known Member
It looks like ur r ready to supplement on a regular schedule with a good NPK fertilizer. Ur plant seems to be becoming N deficient.


Well-Known Member
PS: dont do the inch down watering, start watering by the weight of ur pot. The next time u water, afterwards lift ur pot. Then check it every few days by lifting it. When it is noticeably very light, that is when u should water again & after a few times of doing this u will know the difference. Remember to water until the point of where u have runoff coming out the bottom.


Active Member
A month in, you should be fine to add nitrogen like MG organic bloodmeal mixed in the top few inches of soil will work well and it's only about $6 a bag. I use a bit less than a tsp. in pots that size. I found the yellowing of bottom fan leaves is pretty common(about half of my plants were like that and it didn't effect the plants at all.


It is common like others have stated. It means your plant is using the energy it has stored in those leaves. Time to feed it :)