

Active Member
Hey :joint:

Can anyone help me! the leaves on my plants are all turning yellow and theyre at the budding stage (almost finished!) should I just let them go (as the buds dont seem to be affected) or try something?


Well-Known Member
if you're almost finished...then just try to keep them alive as long as possible. but it really won't matter becuase you dont smoke the leaves.

and are you talking about the leaves coming out of the cola?


Well-Known Member
That happens to fan leaves. The bud uses up sugars and nutrience in them and they die...


Well-Known Member
it's called necrosis, and is otherwise known as a nitrogen defficiency. this happens in late flower almost always (if grown in soil) you can add some nitrogen to your next feed if you wish, just make sure you have 7 days to flush unless using florakleen (24 hour plant flush)

i personally would feed them with a shot of high n, to keep the fan leaves healthy and working. more leaves=more and bigger buds.


Well-Known Member
you want the leaves to turn yellow at the end of flowering. when the plant starts using up the nitrogen it makes for easier curing ang buds that are less harsh in taste


Well-Known Member
sorry, that's bs; do your homework.

nitrogen does not cause the harshness of unflushed plants at harvest. chlorophyl does. extra nitrogen means extra chlorophyl; that's where that old wives tale comes into play.

now, if you feed well, your plant will never go through necrosis, you overall yeild will be much higher, as the fan leaves are the solar panels supplying the energy for making and metabolizing nutrients. and (here's the kicker) if you flush a week before harvest (LIKE YOU'RE SUPPOSED TOO) you will have no nutrients to sweat out, and a lower overall percentage of chlorophyl.


Well-Known Member
hi princess,
I got my info on depriving nitrogen from jorge c's book. And the purpose is to reduce chlorophyl production toward the end of flowering your right. I think it is to simulate the natural occurance in fall. I am doing it now with my plant by using a 0-10-10 npk and for the last 3 weeks of flowering before 1 week of flush and it is working well...check out my pics and see for yourself


Well-Known Member
hi princess,
I got my info on depriving nitrogen from jorge c's book. And the purpose is to reduce chlorophyl production toward the end of flowering your right. I think it is to simulate the natural occurance in fall. I am doing it now with my plant by using a 0-10-10 npk and for the last 3 weeks of flowering before 1 week of flush and it is working well...check out my pics and see for yourself
i did, your plants are ok; and trust me, i've had my fair share of yellow leaves at harvest. only through trial and error did i discover the benefits of feeding nitrogen until the last week of flower; you see, the yellow leaves are no longer working for the plant, the plant is actually eating the nitrogen stored in the leaves. that's why they turn yellow and die. if your leaves stay healthy, they will add extra energy to you bud production. we all know it's a fact that the plants gain most of their bud weight in the last two weeks of flower; if you have leaves left, you buds will gain massive amounts of weight. no fan leaves means smaller finished buds.

but, you plants do look ok, kudos to you; just remember, i'm only trying to help.

ps, jorge would back me up :D


Well-Known Member
hey princess,
I am going to water tomorrow with a miracle grow bloom fertilizer which has nitrogen in it mixed with some molasses laced water. I am growing hash plant and I am almost in week 7 of flowering (on monday) so this may be my last nuit watering. What do you suggest judging by my pics which were taken on may 2. And also my molasses water (1 tbs per half gallon) in its jug smells terrible, like it's fermenting or making some kind of gaseous by product is it still ok to use? I made the mixture about a week and a half ago.


Well-Known Member
Mix FRESH additives..whatever they are...EVERYTIME you water. If it stinks, it's SHIT for your plants.

good luck

bt dt
right on. never store mixed nutes; the chemicals react and fallout and become unusable salts. now, mollasses is good stuff; i love it, it is chock full of micros, and helps feed the soil as opposed to feeding the plant.

this close to harvest, i'd avoid miracle gro; i have notice mg in late flower can induce a perfumey floral taste after harvest; it may have been a fluke, as the strain i was working with was a weird tasting one anyway, but... it seems to me you have one, possible two weeks to harvest. i do believe (correct me if i'm wrong) that hashplant is an 8wk flowering strain, meaning you're chopping down next week.

let the plant do it's thing; next grow, try feeding up to flush point, and compare...


ps, btdt, nice dot ;)


Well-Known Member
I am going to feed with fresh molasses water and mix in some worm casting into the molasses water like powdered chocolate to milk to give a little N before flush. This may be kind of dumb but it can't hurt right? have a good weekend everybody


Active Member
awsum thanks for the help and yeah its not the leaves from the cola.

wow I didnt know more leaves means healthier buds! I have one type of plant that doesnt leaf much at all but has massive buds the whole way down and the other one has heapppps of leaves and smaller but more potent looking (lots of white hair) buds!

cool to know. Thanks.