

Well-Known Member
:joint:wazzup everyone??i love the chat pretty knowlegable amout the but but iv never actually had my hand at it and im tryin now...ok here what im workin with..i got five seeds from a smoke session of some pretty good budz..and they are currintly in a wet paper town which is in a zipplock pouch.iv got soil in a small paper cup waiting for seedlings..ive got a closet with about eight feet in hieght and 3 feet in width for space..plan on getting a high pressure sodium light soon (heard it could be used for vegetative and flower stages and still give a honerable yield..this correct??)..i was planning on putting aluminum foil in the walls for maximum lighting... let me know if you think my first time has a possibility of survival..(lol)
P.S. is there any kind of common or less expensive lighting i could use for this other than a HPS light??where could i get it?(ex>lowe's, home depot, walmart?)how long should seeds take to sprout in a paper towel..had them in for a day and a half and nothing..i should prolly just be patient..feed back is greatly appreciated..i respect expereince:joint:


Well-Known Member
Yea. HPS is a pretty good way to go. Will cost you a bundle, and you will need to buy appropriate ballasts and ventilation. Or, you go down to any DIY store (or most supermarkets in fact) and buy your self some standard light fixtures and a bunch of CFL bulbs, this is a much cheaper and easier option.

Alluminium foil is a bad idea, you are better off painting the closet white.


Well-Known Member
how many lumens am i looking for??i got five seeds in a wet paper towel.....when should they sprout ..its been a day and a half


Well-Known Member
they can take a while up to a week and still might not pop the method i use is to put them in a glass of water till they pop then you could put them in the paper towel if thats what you want to do i plant it straight away out of the glass of water and they have been ok for me


Well-Known Member
lumens you want a few id say one bulb above each plant and when they get bigger you will need more im using envirolites so am not sure about this question


Well-Known Member
They have one at home depot 42w puts out 2600 lumens one pure plant should do it. I think they were about ten bucks apiece or so.


Well-Known Member
if ur planing on flowering 5 plants i would go invest in a 400 watt hps...just save 100-150$ and buy one off ebay...cfl's do work but u'll need an easy 10 cfl's to get some decent buds off 5 plants! u could always get a 70 watt hps at home depot but there only good for 1 plant and there like 50$ ur better off with the 400watt hps off ebay! check it out man and good luck!


Well-Known Member
thnx..when this thing gets started ill put up pics from start till finish
PS..when should my seeds start to sprout in a wet paper towel??

oh and this is a stupid question but im just curios..what would happen if i used regular household bulbs


Cheese Head
not necessarily but I can't recommend it.
Go to home depot pick up some Scotts Premuium Potting Soil it does wonders it only like $4 a bag. Just a rile of thumb cheap out on your grow and you'll get ditch weed.
Just my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
def dont want no dirt...but ill be happy with anything this first time..thnx for the help..its some home depot dirt,couple of bag seeds and two cfls will start me out till i can upgrade...


Cheese Head
yeah dirt from home depot and at Wal-mart in the electrical isle they have these shop light reflector get 2 or 3 if you can of those and 2 or 3 100w cool light "27w" cfl's. Try to get 3 if you can though this will keep them fine up until 3 weeks after sprout. The reflector I'm talking about is in my first grow. which is in my signature, I used these one per plant until I got my HID. Also check out what I used for pots later on in the grow it saved me money 3-5 gallon pots are expensive for a pots so look what I used.
EDIT: here is what I used before I got HID's and yes thats a broom handle.