

Well-Known Member
I would like to start a closet grow. My dimensions are roughly 24"x20"x54"

My plan is to make an herb garden (used as camouflage) in this space and then introduce 1 auto flower after a month. Around a month into the AF's life I will plant another AF and just keep doing this so that I can have a constant supply of smoke and fresh herbs.

I have 2 kids and don't know if I should even be considering this but I love my herb and hate the drug scene. I try to be somewhat responsible.;-)

So, I guess my questions are as follows:

What strain should I grow that is short enough for said dimensions...I say 2 ft or less, could also keep me in constant supply; I can make an 1/8 last 5-7 days, and is good quality...5 hits or less to get ripped.

What kind of light should I use? I used to have a 400w HPS and I know that's out the question for such a small area due to heat concerns.

Would something like these two grow some quality herb:

I also found 150w HPS for like $75 but I think that would still be too much heat.

Is this idea even possible?

Thank you for any information.:leaf: