

Well-Known Member
More info... Why do you think they are weak? if you are just referring to stem strength so as to hold up the buds you will grow... Get a good oscilating fan to blow across the plants will strengthen the stems from the movment. Super cropping is a great way to increase yield and where you super crop you will grow a nice strong knuckle to hold up those fat buds......


Well-Known Member
Stakes and wire cages. Indoor plants don't get very strong in the frame as there is no need, no wind no storms etc.


Active Member
My fault I didn't give any info as to what I was meaning. This is my 2nd grow and with the first few plants I learned how to make the stem strong and my yeilds big but what about the potency of the smoke. I know alot has to do with the strain but how can I make sure to get the full potency. I may have picked early but this girl was in like 45days I just said screw it lol

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
My fault I didn't give any info as to what I was meaning. This is my 2nd grow and with the first few plants I learned how to make the stem strong and my yeilds big but what about the potency of the smoke. I know alot has to do with the strain but how can I make sure to get the full potency. I may have picked early but this girl was in like 45days I just said screw it lol
Well if you want a more potent smoke don't harvest early.

Let the plant get to maturity, buy a jewelers loupe or microscope and monitor the trichomes (and plant as a whole) to establish the optimum harvest time.