HELPP, Think i Got a Hermie


could someone give me a reliable resource for sexing, i am going to get a microscope when i get paid but i had a plant outdoors that went into flower early so i brought it inside and re vegged it, i heard you could do that, even clone straight of a plant with lil buds its looking like a weird formation and I'm not even sure if the other on is female. will attach pics in a minute


Well-Known Member
Pics would help. From my little experience with hermie plants, hermie will have sacks like male plants. It's sorta easy to spot if you know what to look for. Google search "hermie Marijuana" ununder Google images and you will see pictures of what to look for


Well-Known Member
just keep a close eye on it, and if it is showing balls I'd take it out of the the room asap.. I had one last grow and removed it as soon as I noticed unfortunately browning pistils(pollination) was what got me to look around closely , luckily I didn't get to many seeds after harvest, The male flowers on my girl were a little hard for me to spot being they were growing under the buds and were almost completely hidden from view, I found and a few others have said they do the same thing, lay down on the floor of your room under your plants and look up at them from laying on your back, this allowed me to spot alot more male pods than I thought were there to start with. Just keep a vigilant eye out if you suspect a he/she in there. Good luck!.
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I tried to take pictures but this tablet has a shitty camera, im gonna keep a close eye on it for the next few weeks I see pistils and hairs but the formation is kinda weird, this plant had a rough life to say the least, dog chewed off the top once n my big cfk burnt it when I was gone fpr the weekend ill post some pics tomorrow when I get a new phone