hepl with my babies


Well-Known Member
ok so i noticed this recently like a day or 2 one plant has brown spots on the leaves and the top leaves are starting to curl inwards on 2 of my plants just regular bag seeds they are an indoor grow and have been giving them just neutralized water so far i feed nutes very rare like twice in there life here are some pics of the plants they are about 23 days old i also have some nutes here also should ai alos start feeding them not a liquid ntue but i usally put it on water and let it sit for a day of two and feed them through watering if needed



First of all, and I cannot stress this enough apparently: these plants are not babies. They don't need to suck on your breasts to survive. They don't whine and piss in your face, nor do they crap in diapers that depend on you to be changed. They do not need to be cradled. Bed time stories and lullabies are optional, but the fact is that they do not need you. They might even grow better in some remote wilderness, without you.

If I was a cannabis plant, I would certainly be offended to hear so many damned people referring to me as a "baby".

I am pretty certain that you are over-feeding, due to the wavy leaves, curling under and presenting burned tips. It doesn't look very severe yet. I know you said you haven't fed it much, but the thing is that dry nutrients including Espoma Bio-Tone Starter Plus often contain slow acting fertilizer that is available over the long term. If you put too much, even anything over a quarter-cup per plant you might not see any negative signs for a little while. These nutrients also don't flush out very well. Scoop out the top layer of soil and replace if this is what you did, and it does kind of look like a dry-nutrient mix on top of the soil there...doesn't look like just perlite and soil to me, anyways.

Also, the Bio-Tone Starter Plus really isn't the ideal fertilizer for regular feeding anyways. It is a great organic fertilizer, with mycorrhizal fungi and assorted strains of beneficial bacteria. But as the name implies it is really for the purpose of amending soil to give the plants a good start. For instance, seedlings I suppose, and transplants. You mix 2.25 cups per cubic foot of soil, or alternately when transplanting simply sprinkle a bit of the stuff down near the root ball. The plants form a symbiotic relationship with the microbes and they'll grow more vigorously with enhanced resistance to disease.


Well-Known Member
so feed them less and give it time so if i were to switch to a liquid fert how long should i wait till i start feeding also the soil mix was wit the biotone bat guano and peilite and the soil was miracle grow organic mix


Don't feed them at all. The miracle grow itself has enough fertilizer to sustain them beyond a couple weeks. Depending on how much bio-tone and bat guano was added, you could use straight water for over a month.

In all seriousness if you did sprinkle more bio-tone around on the top of the soil, you're going to have to get that the heck out of there ASAP. Other than that you can mist it with water a couple times a day to help prevent the leaves from going crispy. But, it still could get worse and if it does you might need to try to flush them or transplant entirely to save them.

If you don't add enough fertilizer it is a lot easier and less damning to the plants to add a little more later, as opposed to giving way too much and then trying to remove it.


Well-Known Member
the bio tone was added at the begining never put any on the soil in the pic is just perilite nothing elseand its been 23 days since they broke soil so ill not feed them any water for some days and see if it helps thanks for the advice