Herbicide or nitrogen problem?


Well-Known Member
I've noticed over the past couple weeks that the top growth on just about all of my tomato plants are very tight, curly structure, almost like a fist. The plants have been growing very rapidly, and look completely healthy other than the top growth.

My jalapenos, and anaheim's seem to have some tightening on the new leaves as well, more like canoes though. I bought 5 yards of high quality soil and put into my new raised beds. It is an unproven soil to me, but it had great reviews on the website.

I've seen numerous pictures of plants affected by 2,4-D herbicide that look very similar to my problems, but also found the same pictures with over kill on nitrogen. I haven't added any fertilizers to the garden yet, and don't plan on it until I get the issue figured out.

I flushed the whole garden today for a few hours to try to help wash away anything that could possibly be hurting them. I have 2 cannabis plants in the garden as well but I dug out about 10 gallons of space to dump in some FFoF soil around the main root zone when I put them in the ground.

They aren't affected in any way yet because the roots haven't hit the soil that the tomatoes are in. There's flowers on all of the tomatoes, as well as the peppers. I've read that if it's an abundance of nitrogen that the flowering would nearly halt.

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Looks like heat stress. That's fairly minor, I had it bad on some tomatoes last season because of the heat.
Looks like heat stress. That's fairly minor, I had it bad on some tomatoes last season because of the heat.
It hasn't been hot here at all lately, and watering hasn't been an issue. They aren't droopy and lifeless, they're firm and curled tightly. I've dealt with heat issues when they're in pots. Temps have been 75 or below for the past week at least.
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It hasn't been hot here at all lately, and watering hasn't been an issue. They aren't droopy and lifeless, they're firm and curled tightly. I've dealt with heat issues when they're in pots. Temps have been 75 or below for the past week at least.
Is the pot/root zone getting hot? Reservoir cooking in the sun? If it's not from heat, you better start searching the interweb. Looks just like heat stress to me.
Is the pot/root zone getting hot? Reservoir cooking in the sun? If it's not from heat, you better start searching the interweb. Looks just like heat stress to me.
20190623_152507.jpg there's plenty of space here for the roots. Depth isn't an issue, nor has the heat been. Heat stress would affect the whole plant, not just the newest growth. The only heat would be from the possibility of something burning the roots, like an excess of nitrogen, or an herbicide. Those are the 2 things I feel I've slimmed it down to. Been searching online the last 2 days