Here I go again........Aeroponics Blue Dream


Active Member
:blsmoke:Hey everybody I'm back at it again with the same exact set up as last time only with Blue Dream instead of Grapefruit Kush. Just to remind you all I am using a 400W HPS in a 4x4x6.5 grow tent in a home made stinkbud aeroponics system. This time I decided to go with half strength nutes because last time I got some pretty bad leaf curl and I wanted to avoid that this time. I have an issue though I started the off with halkf strength of the FF feeding schedule with a PPM of 530( the chart says -1120-1260) and I am still seeing a slight curl. Maybe I am seeing things so maybe you guys can help, I want to stop it before it gets any worse. Here are some pics.IMG_1882.jpgIMG_1878.jpgIMG_1879.jpgIMG_1880.jpg


Active Member
Love the strain choice. I wanted to put together an aero setup like yours; where did you find the square tubing?


Active Member
OK so here we are, yesterday was the end of week two. They are all shouwing pistils and coming along nicely. PPM's at 550, pH 5.8-6.3 temps are 79.9day and 69.1night, %rH 33-49. Here are some new pics and I will keep you posted.:joint:


girls are looking good and so are those fishscales! im thinking of building a 6site just like yours.. i also have a 4x4 tent but have a 600... need to get another 6" vortex so hot in there


Active Member
Ok so I am at week three, they are definatly starting to bud pistils are popping up everywere. I switched to flowering nutes last Wed, other than that nothing new to report just constant monitoring and TLC.

I did notice a small leak at the end of the right channel so after I get off work I am going to put some more silicone around the edge.

here are the pics



Well-Known Member
Nice setup, I just got a tent a few days ago and I use a 400w also, can you show pictures of your ventilation setup?

After I do soil I want to try hydro, then Aero... Good luck with your grow


Well-Known Member
Nice, hopefully when the funds get better I'll be able to do something similar. I'm using a loaner 400w hps with attached ballast driving up my temps. My tent is the DR120W and I'd like to set it up like yours after a few cycles of soil.

So it only cost about $90 to build huh? Interesting, I play softball in Santee every Tuesday, maybe I can get a few tips on a similar setup for 4?? :D


Well-Known Member
wow... you are at week 3 and have bud sites. mine have just stopped streching. looks good very sativa strain