Herm or Burn ??


Active Member
and about a lil over a week into flowering I noticed just as some of the hairs are coming , the tips are turning red. Its kind of hard to tell in the photos so I apologize about that but, looked online to diagnose problems of red hairs early flowering and saw some say its a sign of pollination ( I have no males around). examined the plant and found this suspicious looking ball on one top.

I've been pHin floranova to 5.8 and started to ease on the bloom nutes . but the last feeding (yesterday) was a lil strong at 1100ppm so Im hoping this is just a sign of burn!20150331_111239.jpg


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Active Member
That shit is herm-burn.
lol funny.. but all Im saying is I have burned plants before.. and usually the signs are apparent in fans as well and not just in the lil hairs.. if you could see these flowers in person you would see dark red and its not totally a burn look. Ive never seen this happen before and was hoping for some input.


Well-Known Member
Does not look like a herm to me, but I agree it looks unusual. I would let her flower for a while till someone here offers you some solid feedback.