Hermaphrodite breeding


Hey guys I know hermies should be thrown away and I always do. I'm just wandering how hard is it to breed the hermaphrodite gene out of cannabis ? Surely there must be a way. Breeders who use landrace cultivars to make crosses sure must have found a way. The reason for asking is that I have found dank cultivars in these hermies that I tossed and the story of GSC also a herm but good cultivar. The herms I found is In bagseed.
Hey guys I know hermies should be thrown away and I always do. I'm just wandering how hard is it to breed the hermaphrodite gene out of cannabis ? Surely there must be a way. Breeders who use landrace cultivars to make crosses sure must have found a way. The reason for asking is that I have found dank cultivars in these hermies that I tossed and the story of GSC also a herm but good cultivar. The herms I found is In bagseed.
Yes you exlude and reject anything that herms from your gene pool you stress test any parents you use before using them in the first place to be sure there sexually firm and stable ie dont use herms this is what folks working with even landrace do unless really low numbers cos its easier to do it that way than taking time to breed it out after the fact
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Keep in mind almost every female will herm under the right conditions, in fact every fem seed is from a female that was flipped male with STS or some other way of forcing a herm. So stress test plants to a point to verify they have stable genes, but just because a plant herms under extreme stress does not always mean it’s not usable, depends on the amount and type of stress. A female that herms early on or with little stress should not be bred.
Yes you exlude and reject anything that herms from your gene pool you stress test any parents you use before using them in the first place to be sure there sexually firm and stable ie dont use herms this is what folks working with even landrace do unless really low numbers cos its easier to do it that way than taking time to breed it out after the fact
Taking the the time to breed it out is not the problem. I understand that herms is not wanted and I know why and I know that stable parents is the best start to a breeding project I have done a few. How do you go about breeding the herm gene out of the genepool is what I want to know. From this bag of bagseed those that don't herm is runts but the smells it gives in veg is better then most cultivars. This is a personal project and doing just for fun and learning.
Taking the the time to breed it out is not the problem. I understand that herms is not wanted and I know why and I know that stable parents is the best start to a breeding project I have done a few. How do you go about breeding the herm gene out of the genepool is what I want to know. From this bag of bagseed those that don't herm is runts but the smells it gives in veg is better then most cultivars. This is a personal project and doing just for fun and learning.
If you have the time to do it right you would intentionally stress a group of females the select the ones with the traits you are looking for. Let the temps get a bit to high, allow a few light leaks, go a bit heavy on feed or a bit light, nothing crazy but make a bunch of mistakes you’d generally avoid. The plants that grow strong even though you stressed them are likely to pass that trait, then from those choose the ones that have the traits you want such as smell, thc content, whatever.
I know plants herm due to stress. With these seeds it's in they're genes its not stress i duced but in theyre genes .This is the cultivar in questionCompress_20240608_172248_8748.jpg
It's healthy but herms when going in flower and not nanners full blown ball sacks. Is there a way to breed it out is majority of them herm due to genetic makeup and not stress induced. I know herm is a survival trait of cannabis.
If it’s not nanners and a lot of balls, just a few I would remove the balls and watch em daily . Many times I’ve had seed germinated pheno’s present a ball or two in week 1-5 of bloom and present just a few balls, I remove the balls and 90%+ time I never see anymore balls but also interesting enough once it’s a next generation clone I don’t see the plant producing balls at any time.
If it’s not nanners and a lot of balls, just a few I would remove the balls and watch em daily . Many times I’ve had seed germinated pheno’s present a ball or two in week 1-5 of bloom and present just a few balls, I remove the balls and 90%+ time I never see anymore balls but also interesting enough once it’s a next generation clone I don’t see the plant producing balls at any time.
Thank you so much bro I appreciate it and never thought of just removing the balls. :wall: that's the assurance I needed I didn't wanna pop them all and be left with nothing I'll pop them all and make cuts and hunt through them for a male and female to cross then stress test the offspring to see if that herm trait is still present and keep those that doesn't show any sign of herm then just breed the line utill they stabl. That is the plan but didn't wanna start if the offspring wil also be herms
@compassionateExotic thank you bro for setting my mind at ease

also I’ve seen many even expensive cuts produce nanners at late flower (6th week+ of bloom) and from experience never see seeds or bad results from such. many plants have evolved and def know when they are at their end and for survival want to make sure their next generation is there. well as long as u don’t have another room of flowering plants or in that room it shouldn’t be a issue but also I’ve noticed many of these nanner only at end flower pheno’s seems to produce sterile pollen ?

if u see a open ball sack remove it and if u catch it quickly foliar spray the plants that day. water + pollen = done for. key is if u don’t want seeds to remove and hermie scan for balls and male parts on week 1-5th and after that ur preety set even if a plant plays the nanners card
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also I’ve seen many even expensive cuts produce nanners at late flower (6th week+ of bloom) and from experience never see seeds or bad results from such. many plants have evolved and def know when they are at their end and for survival want to make sure their next generation is there. well as long as u don’t have another room of flowering plants or in that room it shouldn’t be a issue but also I’ve noticed many of these nanner only at end flower pheno’s seems to produce sterile pollen ?

if u see a open ball sack remove it and if u catch it quickly foliar spray the plants that day. water + pollen = done for. key is if u don’t want seeds to remove and hermie scan for balls and male parts on week 1-5th and after that ur preety set even if a plant plays the nanners card
My understanding is that if you don't harvest a plant and go beyond the harvest window it will throw nanners or balls to survive and reproduce. I've tested it once and found it to be true although not alot of seeds came from that test. Those nanners that seems to be sterile seems to only come from feminized seeds in my experience and my theory is that because the Y chromosone is removed when making feminized seeds and the nanners isn't balls that's protected from moisture or humidity entering the ball the nanners pollen gets sterilized by humidity or water particles in the air. Some nanners do produce viable pollen though so it's just a theory. Stress can also cause nanners making the plant think its life is threatened and then making the plant focus on reproducing. Just my 2c
Hey guys I know hermies should be thrown away and I always do. I'm just wandering how hard is it to breed the hermaphrodite gene out of cannabis ? Surely there must be a way. Breeders who use landrace cultivars to make crosses sure must have found a way. The reason for asking is that I have found dank cultivars in these hermies that I tossed and the story of GSC also a herm but good cultivar. The herms I found is In bagseed.

Dude its hard work cleaning out hermie traits and 90% of breeders themselfs wont be able to do it. Some who can will use stable proven males from proven seed strains that have been bred with excelen stability and cross that to the hermie strain and then work your way selecting from huge numbers trying to find the non hermie plants and lock them down to f4 selecting the most stable plants at every stage. Or they will self the hermi strains plants and look for the most stable females in them then cross that to the male from the sstable strain. And then breed to f4 finding the most stable plants at every stage. Its a huge task. To do it keeping the strain pure with no outcrossing is even harder but possible. Your going to be at even more of a disadvantage cus i bet your working with feminised strains so no males and your seeds am probaly already at s2.
Also cookies aint as great as you think, it should of been kept just for flower rather than a breeding plant. The proper clone they first called cookies was a mutated mess. It was extreamly slow veging and would give bannas. The long term effects of injecting it into the gene pool are only going to create issues. And some of cookies sister were bad, as in some were mutated badly, some hardly had any bud, and some would take months to grow to a decent size. I mean why would ppl purposly inject all that into the gene pool. But ppl didnt care they just rode the wave of hype.
You have your plants, just keep them for flower why would you want to breed with hermies. If you was to breed properly with proper plants it should be easy to get as good or better and you wont have to look through 20-30seeds to find one great plant cus if done properly you should have numbers of keepers even in for example in 10 seeds. Whats your goal with breeding with hermies ? Nothing stoping you from making hermie seed strains for your own use, just dont go giving out seeds to ppl saying they are good potent seeds. Anyway just beacase your plant smokes good dont mean its going to create great potent children, to know that you have to do the work and test them. Ther is a difrence between selecting plants for the flower and then selecting parentals.
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Keep in mind almost every female will herm under the right conditions, in fact every fem seed is from a female that was flipped male with STS or some other way of forcing a herm. So stress test plants to a point to verify they have stable genes, but just because a plant herms under extreme stress does not always mean it’s not usable, depends on the amount and type of stress. A female that herms early on or with little stress should not be bred.

Thats not true. Plants like the 89 cheese dont herm and is a pain to get it to produce pollen chemicly. Ive seen other plants that wont herm and even wen chemicals are applied the little bit of male parts wont have no pollen in or will be sterile.
Thats not true. Plants like the 89 cheese dont herm and is a pain to get it to produce pollen chemicly. Ive seen other plants that wont herm and even wen chemicals are applied the little bit of male parts wont have no pollen in or will be sterile.
That was my problem when trying to reverse GG#4. It was almost impossible took me three tries before I got non sterile pollen. She hated to clone too, always took me the majority of 21 days.

However all cannabis has the ability to herm so in a way you're both right. It is always there just further in the genetic background
Thats not true. Plants like the 89 cheese dont herm and is a pain to get it to produce pollen chemicly. Ive seen other plants that wont herm and even wen chemicals are applied the little bit of male parts wont have no pollen in or will be sterile.
It's down to ethylene levels with super stable plants like the cheese thats why they are a pain to chemically reverse your right mate its more trouble than its worth starting with anything that will herm anyway each to there own they want all that extra work and hassle that can be avoided power to them
Taking the the time to breed it out is not the problem. I understand that herms is not wanted and I know why and I know that stable parents is the best start to a breeding project I have done a few. How do you go about breeding the herm gene out of the genepool is what I want to know. From this bag of bagseed those that don't herm is runts but the smells it gives in veg is better then most cultivars. This is a personal project and doing just for fun and learning.

See those that dont herm are runts, exactly wat im saying. Thats damaged goods already in the genepool wich is the affects that will happen from injecting badly bred plants into the gene pool. You breeding with them with give more seed like that and if you hapen to have a female and the pollen doner that have that trait then things are going to be worse and go down hill rapid. Its easy to just keep reversin the most potent plants, as you just double up those potency traits wich is all ther looking at. But they dont look at what other things they are doing as now just like you seen they are also on a fast track to inbreeding faults or also doubling other bad traits too. All well and good if its just for flower but those types of parents and methods arnt for breeding nor will do anything good long term for breeding or the genepool once put ther.
That was my problem when trying to reverse GG#4. It was almost impossible took me three tries before I got non sterile pollen. She hated to clone too, always took me the majority of 21 days.

However all cannabis has the ability to herm so in a way you're both right. It is always there just further in the genetic background
The cheese dont herm closest u will get is ovules tiny proto seeds and if you do manage to reverse it chemically it has super low viable pollen yields
Dude its hard work cleaning out hermie traits and 90% of breeders themselfs wont be able to do it. Some who can will use stable proven males from proven seed strains that have been bred with excelen stability and cross that to the hermie strain and then work your way selecting from huge numbers trying to find the non hermie plants and lock them down to f4 selecting the most stable plants at every stage. Or they will self the hermi strains plants and look for the most stable females in them then cross that to the male from the sstable strain. And then breed to f4 finding the most stable plants at every stage. Its a huge task. To do it keeping the strain pure with no outcrossing is even harder but possible. Your going to be at even more of a disadvantage cus i bet your working with feminised strains so no males and your seeds am probaly already at s2.
Also cookies aint as great as you think, it should of been kept just for flower rather than a breeding plant. The proper clone they first called cookies was a mutated mess. It was extreamly slow veging and would give bannas. The long term effects of injecting it into the gene pool are only going to create issues. And some of cookies sister were bad, as in some were mutated badly, some hardly had any bud, and some would take months to grow to a decent size. I mean why would ppl purposly inject all that into the gene pool. But ppl didnt care they just rode the wave of hype.
You have your plants, just keep them for flower why would you want to breed with hermies. If you was to breed properly with proper plants it should be easy to get as good or better and you wont have to look through 20-30seeds to find one great plant cus if done properly you should have numbers of keepers even in for example in 10 seeds. Whats your goal with breeding with hermies ? Nothing stoping you from making hermie seed strains for your own use, just dont go giving out seeds to ppl saying they are good potent seeds. Anyway just beacase your plant smokes good dont mean its going to create great potent children, to know that you have to do the work and test them. Ther is a difrence between selecting plants for the flower and then selecting parentals.
Thank you and I fully agree with you on every point. I only do small breeding projects for personal use and that's with stable genetics and mostly regulars not feminized. This will be a life long project to do alongside my normal growing in a separate closed of space. I agree alot of breeders aren't breeding responsibly and narrowing the genepools and just have no ethics or passion for breeding and is just in it for the bag and not the passion in the same breath there are breeders that love what they do and do it with ethics and passion and I take my hat off to them. I just always like a challenge and want to see if someone has done it if there is even a 10% chance of success I will take it on just to learn from it and add to the knowledge and share the outcome and steps and then improving on it and make it easier. I know it takes alot of time and resources that's why I'm making it a life project. I really appreciate your advice and feedback
That was my problem when trying to reverse GG#4. It was almost impossible took me three tries before I got non sterile pollen. She hated to clone too, always took me the majority of 21 days.

However all cannabis has the ability to herm so in a way you're both right. It is always there just further in the genetic background

Not all canbabis will herm. Ther rare but ive seen what they call super females and super males. Example a male that is so male is growing polen sacs all up and down on the main trunk and all over the branches at places they shouldnt be . Or females that wont reverse. Its possible when reversing males to make seed to end up with a small percentage of yy seed, these are known as super males. But they usualy are really hard to germinate naturaly or will abort. A plant like this would be impossible to reverse and get any x traits out of it.
That was my problem when trying to reverse GG#4. It was almost impossible took me three tries before I got non sterile pollen. She hated to clone too, always took me the majority of 21 days.

However all cannabis has the ability to herm so in a way you're both right. It is always there just further in the genetic background
Some strains produce herm seeds when reversed and others mutants and some just won't produce viable pollen if reversed I found this with Cherry Pie, Super Cheese and GG4. The more you reverse the closer you are to losing vigour aswell some quicker then others