Hermaphrodite Seeds


Active Member
---I have an eight foot hermaphrodite plant and there are no buds left because seeds have swelled up every pistil... What are the chances of these seeds turning out female, male, and/or hermaphrodite????

---I have a a small female plant next to it. It comes from the same genetics, White Rhino, Cheese, Florida Kush, and BLueberry. I created this strain last year by pollinating a female blueberry clone with a male " Bill Maher "( White Rhino, Cheese, Florida Kush). I call the strain Blue Rhino Cheese. Anyways, since my hermahprodite pollinated this plant as well, what are the chances of these seeds turning out female, male, and/or hermaphrodite????

*** I would love to hear any input anyone has to say, thank you very very very much guys/girls!!! ***


Well-Known Member
i can't tell you what your specific chances are from your seed
i think this is a very complicated topic
but i too had a hermie with seeds, grow out 2 seeds from it
one had no trace of hermie traits, the 2nd one is just like the parent, strong hermie
so i've seen a 50/50 chance, but a very small data set


Active Member
ok thanks for your input!:) at least there is a chance the hermies seeds can still end up female.


Well-Known Member
hermie seeds are feminized seeds, you're just getting the seeds from genetics that expressed this trait a bit too easily


Well-Known Member
On my most recent grow, i ended up with 7 females out of 7 seeds from bag seed. I know that i have heard of the percentages from how many female to male seeds but i dont remember where i read that at. If at ll possible, i wouldn't use hermie seeds. I would pollinate and utilize those seeds for better chances!


Active Member
Yeah, if it's a genetic hermie, your looking at a 50/50 chance on each seed. That's not the same as 5 out of 10. Lol. Was it a hermie due to stress or went to longe paste a good harvest time? Those will increase the odds a little bit.


Active Member
Yeah, if it's a genetic hermie, your looking at a 50/50 chance on each seed. That's not the same as 5 out of 10. Lol. Was it a hermie due to stress or went to longe paste a good harvest time? Those will increase the odds a little bit.

i had both growing since january.... it didnt start budding till late june, its outdoors in so cal.... im pretty sure its caused from stress.


Active Member
No one really answered my questiones, can an experienced farmer please share their wisdom with me???? plleeasssee!


Well-Known Member
Your hermaphrodite seeds will have higher percentages of showing the traits of a herm, although they are feminized, like mentioned above they may exhibit the genetic traits more easily. Your best bet for the highest percentage of female seeds is to pollinate a stable mother with a good father.

"Feminized cannabis seeds are produced from a chosen cannabis female that has been put through climatic stress, this forces the plant to show some male flowers. The pollen is then collected and used to pollenate the existing female flowers in order to produce seeds that do not contain a male chromosone. Unlike regular cannabis seeds, lacking this male cannabis chromosone ensures that the subsequent plants grown will be entirely female, with the exception of the odd hermaphrodite." -http://feminizedcannabisseeds16.qapacity.com/my-blog/62337/how-to-make-feminized-cannabis-seeds/

I found this, hope that it shows some clarity!