Hermaphrodites/ CW genetics

happy cracker

New Member
Just wondering first time using this particular genetic company, POP3 all three look different very different one runt one extremely Whimsy and one very full plant. Took all the way to 4th week of flower all started to hermaphrodite. First thought it was possibly light leaks, also tried new nutrients, Lotus nutrients kept it very light plants looked awesome all the way through even the runt caught up in the fourth month close to catching up. Any thoughts could it be genetics? 63-year-old grower never any problems first Hermes ever actually first time I've ever used feminized seeds as well.
Thank you.. Like I posted, 1'st time using feminized seeds from anywhere. Going back to regulars. Thug pug seems to have a pretty good line??
Just wondering first time using this particular genetic company, POP3 all three look different very different one runt one extremely Whimsy and one very full plant. Took all the way to 4th week of flower all started to hermaphrodite. First thought it was possibly light leaks, also tried new nutrients, Lotus nutrients kept it very light plants looked awesome all the way through even the runt caught up in the fourth month close to catching up. Any thoughts could it be genetics? 63-year-old grower never any problems first Hermes ever actually first time I've ever used feminized seeds as well.
which strain? was it bananas in the buds or balls on the lower part of the plant?
A few pollen sacks on the lower parts of the plant are no big deal. Pluck em and keep moving forward. True hemaphrodites are a different story all together.
Humboldt Seed Co has nicely stable fems
Any recommendations?
Humboldt Seed Co has great fems that you can rely on, very aromatic & flavorful weed. It's the type of company where you just order by what name sounds good, lol! They make it hard to decide because there's so many, but easy to pick based on their detailed info per strain.
Balls, under bud structures.
My post got deleted.
Ok so thats ok for that strain. What you have to do is make sure you defoliate. Dont panic. Balls on the lowers is ok. If you had nanners in the buds thats genetics and it has to go. The gentics you have are ok. The lowers are stressed. You have to strip all of your lowers that are not getting enough light because those lower site will get light stressed. Strip everything under 12 - 18 inches from the canopy. Do that now. Some time throughout the week go back and remove any fan leave covering a bud site. Doing this will increase yield exponentially. The energy that was being used to produce buds that will stress hermie, have no weight and no potency will send that energy to the 12-18inches you kept and increase yield exponentially. You will have beautiful plants, wait until you get to start smelling those spicy cinnamon fall terps, perfect season for the strain. You will be impressed. But you do have work to do.
Went in this morning and did just that plants a little stressed right now, we'll see what the next few days bring. Thanks a lot for the info.
Went in this morning and did just that plants a little stressed right now, we'll see what the next few days bring. Thanks a lot for the info.

bro you cannot trim away a herm's genetics. what you've been told is insane. discard the genetics and move on to new breeder.