Hermaphrodites from Feminised clones? Do I need to worry about pollen?


Well-Known Member
Hi y'all,

I know that plants with hermaphrodite genes grow pollen sacs and infect other feminized plants because my friend had a feminized mother and its clones were infected by the other plants in the room that had come from hermaphrodite seeds. I took 3 of his hermaphrodite feminized clones that are half-way through flowering and threw them in an empty grow room. My question to you is if I throw my auto-flowering plant into that room with them, will my auto get seeds? Will these clones produce pollen sacs or are they just victims of the hermaphrodite seeds' pollen and they'll have seeds and it'll be done? Thanks, I just want to know if I should wait to flower anything else in there.


Well-Known Member
Ok, but I'm saying these plants WERE females, but now there are several seeds on them due to being in the same room w/ hermaphrodites. So now these plants have a few seeds on them. Will they contaminate my future crops? Is it possible for them to grow pollen sacs or not since they started as 100% female clones from feminized seeds? Like if I throw in a few more plants will they herm out due to these three?


Well-Known Member
No but they will be seedy if contaminated. Just get rid of the hermies and any relatives asap.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the hermies from known hermie parents are far from these three plants. But the whole reason I'm asking this is because I have an autoflowering blue mammoth that I want to throw in the same tent as these three that got infected at my friends house. Will my blue mammoth get seeds if I put it in there with these female mutants? If I start a crop after will they have seeds? The original pollen sac hermies are at my friends house. I see none on my plants. Just the occasional seed pod. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Well, I'll keep everyone posted as to whether or not it herms out because I threw the auto-flowering blue mammoth in the flowering room with the herms. Should be about a month until I harvest those ladies. Unfortunately I only get to keep half of the dry weight because my friend got them halfway through flowering for me. Oh well, it'll b dank still! Thanks for the input though