hermi question...


Active Member
Well, I went away on a trip for a while and came back to find out that my timer on my lights werent working properly. One of my females is turning HERMI. Should i kill it? I have one other female plant in the grow room. Would it be ok to let it grow?? Would it still be good to smoke?


Active Member
here are some pictures... after review i think maybe they both might be hermie, but not sure....



Well-Known Member
Unless you have some ethylene to spray on the stamenate parts, they will be able to pollinate the entire crop.


Well-Known Member
I really can't tell from those pics. If they were already females or strongly female preflowering, the light stress is obvious which might make some plants intersex. Some plants are more genetically predisposed to becoming intersex under stress.. You'll have to watch the flowering spots closely and look for any signs if you're not sure.